Friday, September 18, 2009

Max Blumenthal in Anchorage Next Week

PA can't possibly thank enough those who are helping get this set of events going and the word spread!

Max will be taking questions for a couple of hours Saturday at the firedoglake book salon, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Alaska time.

Here's a link to his appearance earlier in the month on Democracy Now.

Here's a link to his appearance last week on NPR's Fresh Air.

Here's a link to his very recent interview with Scott Horton of Harper's Magazine.

Here's a link
to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jane Smiley's review, published today in The Huffington Post.


  1. Phil, I would love to be able to meet Max. I just received his book "Republican Gomorrah" in the mail today, and am settling cozily into my bed to begin to read it.

    I skimmed through a little of it while I was making dinner. I think it will be a horrifying, yet eye opening read.

    Good luck with your meetings with Max. Tell him he has fans from all over.


  2. Way to go on getting Max to speak in Anchorage!

    BTW, here is a link to a story on Brad Blog regarding the publication of a story on Sibel Edmonds in the American Conservative. I recall reading about her on your blog awhile back.

  3. "Max will be taking questions for a couple of hours Saturday at the firedoglake book salon, "

    Um, wasn't it "firedoglake's" Jane Hamsher who posted the infamous photoshop image of Sen. Joe Lieberman in blackface that was roundly condemned as racist by both Dems & Repubs ? Didn't the same site also say "The bitch is dead meat " about a conservative writer?

    Racism, misogyny & hatred....nice people Maxie hangs out with. When is he doing the Hamas book tour ?

  4. "Racism, misogyny & hatred....nice people Maxie hangs out with. When is he doing the Hamas book tour ?"

    Answer: When Sarah Palin does her own communist book tour. Oh yes, I believe that's coming up shortly. LOL

  5. How will Max do Firedoglake for 2 hours starting at 4pm Saturday then do Shannyn's show at 5??? Are there two of him???

  6. This saturday = firedoglake
    next saturday = Shannyn Moore

  7. Hey Phil, I have a question. Is the Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship a Rev. Moon church?

    I'm kinda confused.

  8. wow.....this really does go on.
