Sunday, September 27, 2009

Max at The Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Today

Author, journalist, videographer and blogger, Max Blumenthal, will be speaking at the Anchorage Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship today, at 12:30 p.m. It will be an informal, brown-bag lunch setting.

Last night, after speaking to an audience at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Max showed this YouTube he created last April:

This morning's Anchorage Daily News had an op-ed by Wally Hickel, about some aspects of what Max addresses in the above video, and on some of the material Max may touch upon in his talk today.


  1. I thought Gov. Hickel's op-ed was wonderful. Heading over to the church shortly.

  2. -driver should quit hogging the left lane
    -Max's t-shirts are awesome
    -I feel like I should go to one of these shows and buy some guns so I can defend myself when these wackos start their fascist revolution to exterminate anybody who's not a white Christian fundamentalist.

  3. Max was great. Thanks, Phil, et al., for bringing him back up here again.

  4. funkalunatic - LOL! I thought the exact same thing... Why is the driver of that vehicle in the left lane???

  5. crystalwolf aka caligrlSeptember 27, 2009 at 5:15 PM

    These people are just Assholes!!!
    They should make guns harder to get with these f-rs buying guns!!!
    Oh nazi pictures they liked???
    Yes keep the patriot act.
    Watch these assholes!

  6. -"I feel like I should go to one of these shows and buy some guns so I can defend myself when these wackos start their fascist revolution to exterminate anybody who's not a white Christian fundamentalist."

    Umm, did anyone in that video mention race, Christianity or extermination. Sounds like you're indulging in a lot of liberal projection. Also, do you know what "fascism" actually means or is it just a word you picked up from the Daily Kos.

    "These people are just Assholes!!!"

    Ahh, the critical analysis of the liberal mind.

    "Oh nazi pictures they liked???"

    What proof did we see that Blumenthal purchased those photos at the gun show. What evidence do you have that everyone (indeed anyone) at the show liked those pictures ? Weren't National SOCIALISTS in favor of big government .
    BTW one of the top people at Human Rights Watch (a big favorite of the anti-Israel Left)is an admitted collector of Nazi "collectibles".

    But yep. you have to hand it to Blumenthal he's really firing on all cylinders...I mean who would have thought people at a gun show like guns and are worried by a govt they think might take them away? Is this the cutting edge of liberal reporting these days ? Sorry, but O'Keefe and Giles make Maxie boy look like a third rate Michael Moore.

  7. Did anonymous miss the huge freakin Nazi shrine at the gun show? As if the people buying the huge swastika flag are just using it for WW2 reenactments? Right wingers are completely in favor of big government, so long as it's hurting rather than helping people.
    -First they'll round up the "illegals" (Latinos) This is already happening.
    -Then they'll round up the "terrorists" (Middle Eastern people) This has started to happen.
    -Then they'll round up Jews when the jobs stop coming back - anti-semitism in response to the economy is already rampant online.
    Then will come the blacks, gays, atheists, etc.

    Seems far-fetched now, and I'm not betting on it or anything, but when a liberal democracy fails to prevent a declining standard of living, and leaves people feeling powerless and confused, and conservative elites start to team up with and bestow legitimacy upon a growing reactionary fringe, the result has historically been fascism.

  8. "Right wingers are completely in favor of big government, so long as it's hurting...people"

    You obviously don't know many "right-wingers".

    "First they'll round up the "illegals" (Latinos) This is already happening."

    Don't know how to break this to you but a) the libs are in power now and b) what part of ILLEGAL don't you understand ?

    "Then they'll round up the "terrorists" (Middle Eastern people) This has started to happen."

    Umm,a) you know there's been an election don't you ? b) Do you believe islamic terrorists should be allowed to operate freely in the USA - sounds like you do.What is it about murder you find so acceptable?

    "Then they'll round up Jews when the jobs stop coming back "

    You pathetic "then they'll come for me" comparison shows the level of disconnectedness from reality most "progressives" suffer from. The biggest supporters of Israel today are the Christian right - those most inmtent on it's destruction are the American Left. Witness the amount of anti-semitic garbage distributed at ANY Left-wing demo against Israel (including the infamous "Back to The Ovens" poster that no leftists protested against when it was on display at a pro-Palestinian rally in January this year.

    "Then will come the blacks, gays, atheists, etc."

    Yeah, sure they will. Paranoia isn't healthy for might want to consider getting out more. Always helps.

  9. "funkalunatic" might want to know that African-Americans are already being "ethnically cleansed" from parts of the attacks, including murder, from illegal Latino gang-bangers. Where's the outrage from the liberals on real racism in America's streets ?

  10. ".. what part of ILLEGAL don't you understand ?"

    What part of quotation marks don't you understand?

    And by the way, what do you have to say about the Nazi shrines at the gun show? Was it a coincidence?


  11. "What part of quotation marks don't you understand?"

    So you're saying that 15 million illegals are actually here legally. Please explain.........this should be good.

    "And by the way, what do you have to say about the Nazi shrines at the gun show? "

    "shrine" ...looks more like a seller displaying his wares to me. But guess what, some gun owners (a tiny minority) collect Nazi stuff ...doesn't make them Nazis...collecting that stuff is dumb if you ask me but just about as dumb as the anti-semites that join every Leftist pro-Palestinian rally (or as dumb as some-one who could attend a racist church for 20 years and then claim he didn't hear the sermons).

  12. You're right. I'm sure it's just a mighty coincidence that these gun hoarders also have a fetish for Nazi-branded material. I'm sure there were booths for other collectibles like beanie babies, antique furniture, and baseball cards too. You know, there were 6 million Jews that were in Hitler's Germany illegally, along with 6 million other illegals. If only we could devise a final solution to our problem with illegals...

  13. "So you're saying that 15 million illegals are actually here legally. Please explain.........this should be good."

    The point was that the equation Latino = illegal alien, is being legitimized, as is the equation Middle Easterner = terrorist, and this is dangerous and wrong. It will also prove disastrous for the Republicans electorally, but oh well.


  14. Oh, yes! Good old Max at the Unitarian church what a better place for a self hating ?Jew?

  15. "The point was that the equation Latino = illegal alien, is being legitimized, as is the equation Middle Easterner = terrorist,"

    Who by ? No-one on the right is saying anything against LEGAL Latino communities, only against ILLEGAL immigrants whatever their race. Still mustn't let the facts get in the way of liberal hysteria and if you really think the Repubs are going to do disastrously in the 2010 elections I've got a bridge to sell you.

  16. "You know, there were 6 million Jews that were in Hitler's Germany illegally, along with 6 million other illegals. If only we could devise a final solution to our problem with illegals.."

    Someone needs to step up their meds...are you really suggesting extermination of illegal immigrants? Frightening.
    Also, just so you know the Jews in Germany weren't illegal immigrants, there were German citizens. You might want to look at a history book or two before spouting your bizarre claims.

  17. "Who by ? No-one on the right is saying anything against LEGAL Latino communities, only against ILLEGAL immigrants whatever their race."

    "Still mustn't let the facts get in the way of liberal hysteria and if you really think the Repubs are going to do disastrously in the 2010 elections I've got a bridge to sell you."

    I won't be all that surprised to see the Republicans swept back into office in 2010. I will be surprised if the trend of growing hispanic support for the Republicans continues or continues as briskly as it had before the eruption of conservative hysteria we've witnessed over the last few months.


  18. "the eruption of conservative hysteria we've witnessed over the last few months."

    When the usually docile conservative movement actually gets organized it's "conservative hysteria" BUT when the liberals filled our national discourse with "Bush the terrorist", "9/11 was planned by Cheney", "Bush hates blacks because of Katrina" and the omnipresent "Bush=Hitler" for EIGHT WHOLE YEARS it's because "dissent is patriotic. Nothing more hypocritical than an enraged "progressive", I guess.
