Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stranahan on the Crazy Woman's Facebook Post


  1. Perfect.

    I wish I could laugh about it. But I fear for our country. Sarah Palin is crazy and violent; so are her followers.

  2. Is this for real?

    What does he mean about throwing it out there because they think they know their audience back to back with supposedly considereing SP's appearance as a wacko if they did?

    Are they assuming "their audience" is a majority ?

    Is the old Karl Rove channeling through this guy?


  3. alaskapi - it is camp humor, black humor, delivered in a strange way

  4. oh- thank heavens!

    I missed that...

    Now, maybe I can laugh...
    a deep dark laugh...

    Maybe I'll go lie down first
    and then I'll laugh...

    Must be a measure of how upset whatzername's stance on Mr Obama's healthcare plan has made me...

    I need to rest.
    too whupped up to pay close attention...

  5. I know a lot of people who are pro-Palin. They won't even pick up a thesaurus and read up on new words. They repeat the same buzz words that she has been using. Can't they say something besides "bogus" for once? In 1986 that was THE insult to use on someone if you were between the ages of 16-19.

    They recycle the same catch phrases.

  6. maybe if this guy and palin's other 'supporters' believed in the real message of healthcare reform...they would be able to visit the dentist with the money they'd saved!

  7. You do know it's a joke, don't you, Anonymous at 9:21? (Although I do believe the guy's teeth really are missing.)

  8. "Sarah Palin is crazy and violent; so are her followers."

    And yet it's Obama's SEIU union thugs who are attacking people in the street. Dissent is patriotic isn't it ?

  9. "They recycle the same catch phrases."

    What, like "crazy woman", "crazy woman", "crazy woman", "crazy woman", "crazy woman"

    or the classic Thug-in-Chief's "Hope and Change", "hope and change", "hope and change", "hope and change", "hope and change", "hope and change" baa, baaa, baa

  10. Seriously, what was that?

  11. "But I fear for our country."

    Hey, don't worry...Chicago thugs are running the government, the DNC are calling ordinary Americans "Nazis", the White House has set up a snitch line, unemployment is almost at 10%,
    the national debt has tripled in six months to $1.6 TRILLION, the President has pissed off our allies and grovelled to our enemies...what could possibly go wrong? All you have to fear is fear itself ...ha, ha,ha.

  12. Hey Phil, that was hilarious !! Wow, really biting, thoughtful, witty political satire ! It was incredible how that guy put so much effort into delivering such a pithy but oh-so eloquent put down of Sarah Palin's comments. It's truly rare these days to find such an intelligent, humorous but subtle comment on YouTube. Please give us more of these !! Rare wit indeed !!!

  13. Has "SHE" shut up yet?

  14. @11:55, your spewing of propaganda, falsehoods and hate speech is exactly what I fear. I guess you are part of the problem, in my humble opinion.

  15. @11:15, there is a difference between hate speech and thoughtful, organized dissent. Your "thug" lines about the unions gives away where you stand on the issue of "free speech." Too much FOX, eh?

  16. HA!

    I have to say that this is exactly where my mind went after reading her latest screed.

  17. Oh My God! Completely hilarious. So short, yet to the point. Somebody give this guy a medal.

  18. Anonymouses @ 7:25 AM and 7:27 AM said it in only a few words (kudos to you two) but when I get wound up, I write long rants (sorry!):

    Is there anything more depressing in this country than right wing negativity?

    The unemployment rate has actually gone DOWN for the first time in months (economy, improving?) and some right wing joker says, "unemployment is almost at 10%". I wonder if that's the same right wing joker who said when Sarah Palin's "approval rating" fell to 47% at the end of July, "Sarah Palin's approval rating is still almost over 50%!!!" Yes, that's an accurate quote. You can guess where I found it.

    There are Chicago thugs, and there are mindless robot thugs paid by the insurance industry to be bussed in to cities and towns where health-care-bill informational meetings are being held, specifically to prevent from speaking or asking questions, people who actually WANT TO FIND OUT INFORMATION.

    Those are your real thugs. These insurance industry thugs are breaking laws. Arrest them, before they precipitate more physical encounters. These meetings are for a meeting of the MINDS, not lynch mobs shouting, leading to fisticuffs.

    Those people aren't "ordinary Americans". The ordinary American is the one who showed up at the town meeting expecting to be able to ask questions, and get some answers. Those people labelled "nazis" are behaving just like the mobs in Germany egged on by Hitler's jeramiads. Ergo...

    I guess Anonymous @ 11:55 PM thinks being a whistleblower -- a "snitch" to use his term -- on organized efforts of a minority representing vested interests -- to disrupt meetings of a curious, concerned majority who want to know more information on how the health care bill will help them -- being a whistleblower is a bad thing.

    Seems to me that's the mindset of a person or an entity (the previous Bush administration, for example) engaged in activities possibly unethical if not outright illegal. I say, blow the damn'd whistle on these weasels!

  19. 'and some right wing joker says, "unemployment is almost at 10%"."

    How strange, in the reality based community we consider 9.6% to be almost 10%...what do you call it?

    "mindless robot thugs paid by the insurance industry"

    Have you met or spoken to any of these "mindless robots"? There has been no evidence of insurance companies paying anyone to attend these Townhalls AS OPPOSED to the DNC who actually bus in paid MOve-On & Union activists. I know the DNC and the MSM (but I repaet myself) tell you what to think but try and have an original thought now and again.

    "being a whistleblower is a bad thing."

    You're obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer so I'll try and explain it to you in terms you might understand....Having the White House asking citizens to inform on other citizens is NOT whistleblowing..IT IS SNOOPING...IT's the kind of stuff totalitarian govts resort to to control their populations. How do you know the person snitching on their neighbor isn't just doing it to make trouble ?

    "blow the damn'd whistle on these weasels!"

    So the 50% of the US population who don't want Obamacare are now "weasels"!!! Wow, this must be that "post-partisan AMerica" Obama was always talking about.
    You seem to like the idea of shutting down opposition by snitching on people don't you ? I'm guessing you've never read 1984....

  20. "@11:55, your spewing of propaganda, falsehoods and hate speech is exactly what I fear"

    Dear, oh use these cliches so often you don't actually know what they mean anymore do you ? Now try sitting down and calmly (I know this bit will be difficult) pointing out the elements of my comments that were "hate speech". But as you're doing that, try and remember that disagreeing with a political view ISN'T "hate speech" and that expressing negative views about one's govt ISN'T "hate speech". So try again and let's see what you manage..

  21. Don't know if these questions I saw on another blog will throw any light on the "whistleblower/snitch" White House hot line....

    "(1) Whose idea was it to have people snitch on their neighbors?
    (2) How do I find out if Obama has my name on the "fishy, bears watching" list?
    (3) If I'm on it, can I get off the list?
    (4) Is Obama going to give the list to the DNC or to his union goons?
    (5) Is the list going to end up in the National Archives? (Presidential records laws prohibit the destruction of White House documents, including emails and databases.)
    (6) Is the list eventually going to end up available to the public?
    (7) Is the list against the law? See 5 USC §§ 552a(e)(7), 552(f)(1) & (2), which prohibit (with certain exceptions not relevant) the White House or any other agency from collecting information describing how any person exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment."

  22. Yarf-
    What's with all the insults back and forth?
    Especially the patronizing pseudo-rational put-down approach?
    Leaving a tiny patch of dignity for each of us to stand on goes a long way toward moving out of stuck-in-chapter-5 (bitching about what's wrong phase ).
    Have never had a kumbaya moment in my long life and would rather not have one, but sure would like to see us gain some ground in the civil discourse area...
