Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shannyn Moore Will Be on MSNBC's Countdown Today - Live from the NYC Studio

At 4:00 p.m. Alaska time, the far north's most influential and courageous independent commentator, Shannyn Moore, will be a featured guest on Keith Olbmann's Countdown program.

Monday, Moore and AK Muckraker from The Mudflats addressed an audience at The Berkman Center for Internet and Society, at Harvard University. Last Friday, Moore was honored at the 2009 Netroots Nation Conference, with this year's Steve Gilliard Journalism award. In July, Moore was the second Alaskan (Diane Benson was honored on March, 19, 2008) lauded with's Wings of Justice Award.

I strongly suspect that Brian the Moose might manage to slip into the studio to help Keith with the show.


  1. crystalwolf aka caligrlAugust 19, 2009 at 4:33 PM

    I hope KO will spend a good amount of time with her talking about the idiocy that is Sarah Palin and also the Lies, twisted truth and abuse of power she is still getting away with.
    Blow the door off Palin Shannyn!!

  2. KO just wasted her, but she looked the best I've seen her.
