Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Shannyn Moore to Discuss the Crazy Woman's Death Panel on MSNBC's Countdown Today

On today's show, host Keith Olbermann, and Shannyn Moore, Alaska's most outspoken and meteoric independent commentator, will be discussing the national medical care debate, Monday's demonstrations outside of both the special session of the Alaska Legislature and the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce meeting. She will also be discussing the crazy woman's record on medical care issues while attempting to hold down the job the latter woman couldn't handle.

I believe the show airs at 6:00 p.m. in Alaska.


  1. Hey guys, what happened to your Iraqi death total ? It seems stuck on the same number for weeks now and judging by the way you arrive at these figures it must be up to at least 1,700,000 by now. In fact why not just call it an even 2,000,000 ....that's as realistic a figure as you're showing now.

  2. Actually, Keith Olbermann's show "Countdown" is on a 4PM here in Anchorage, and then repeats a couple times throughout the evening. Shannon was very good, as usual.

  3. Me thinks, Sarah should be a permanent addition to the "death panel" for American Idol. She could take Paula's place and I would just love to see the interchange between Simon and Sarah!

  4. This is a test. And also to say that Shannyn rocked, as usual, on Countdown. I love the snark.
