Sunday, August 9, 2009

Newt Gingrich vs. Howard Dean on the Crazy Woman's Facebook Falsehoods

Update (hat tip DZ): And more from Gov. (and Doctor, as in Medical Doctor) Dean:


  1. HOW TO HELP OBAMA: We ALL need to attend every town hall meeting that we can this month. The media, our leaders, and our President need to see that the majority of us want a national health care plan. So far, the media has focused on the screaming disrupters. We need to outnumber them HUGELY so the media can focus on us. If we do not show up, we will regret it later; it will be seen as apathy. Showing up at your local town hall meetings will show support for our President and his plan. PLEASE GO!

  2. Why are we still giving that moron Palin any of our time...or even listening to or responding to anything she says.

    She's a nobody at this point, kinda like she always was.

  3. The Alaska Republican Party is advertising 'Tea Party' events.

    What say we all attend? Bring video gear and capture the loons on tape as well as document which elected officials are urging the loons on.

    I say don't allow them to distance themselves from the loons, instead we confront the loons and those who enable them.

    This coming Wednesday, Aug. 12, there's a fundraiser for Lisa Murkowski and the Diamond Center Hotel, 5:30 to 7:30.

    What say we give her a rousing 'reception'?

    The next 'Tea Party' rally is in Wasilla, (where else..)

    Come on out to Newcomb Park at Wasilla Lake from 2pm to 5 pm and meet with and interact with the loons and their enablers.

    See ya there.

  4. "Come on out to Newcomb Park at Wasilla Lake from 2pm to 5 pm and meet with and interact with the loons and their enablers."

    Leftist-speak...ordinary Americans concerned about Obamacare = "loons".

    Hey just call out the SEIU thugs to put us "uppity" conservatives in our place.

  5. All the evidence shows that 'Tea Party' participants are far from 'ordinary Americans'.

    The evidence shows them to be unhinged believers in fantasy and myth.

    Their documented 'concern' about health care reform is adoption of lies and misinformation masquerading as 'concern'.

    Their concern is not based on any factual basis and the method they choose to express their so-called concern is inane myth making and nothing more than oafish and crass obstructionist thuggery.

    These oafs need to be held accountable for their lunacy, not heralded as 'ordinary Americans', they aren't ordinary, they're a very small percentage who have proven their susceptibility to be played for fools.

    Played by the corporate interests and the GOP to try to obstruct anything that would be in their own interests.

    In a word, loons, acting out of sheer deluded lunacy.

  6. "All the evidence shows that 'Tea Party' participants are far from 'ordinary Americans'."

    Please enlighten us to where "all this evidence" comes from ?

    "The evidence shows them to be unhinged believers in fantasy and myth."

    So,50% of the American public are unhinged ? Whatever happened to "dissent is patriotic" ?
    And again, please provide the evidence for your rather crude generalization.

    "oafish and crass obstructionist thuggery."

    As opposed to the eight years of calm debate the Left has given us..."Bush=Hitler", "General Betray-us", the attacks on recruiting stations, the Code Pink disruption of Town hall debates. And the only thuggery so far in the townhall debates has come from Obama's SEIU goons.

    "These oafs need to be held accountable for their lunacy,"

    Wow, what punishment could fit such a dastardly crime. Just report them all to the illegal White House snitch line maybe.....or maybe you're thinking of a more Socialist way of dealing with such dissent...I hear the Cuba you guys all love has ways of holding people accountable.

    "Played by the corporate interests and the GOP to try to obstruct anything that would be in their own interests."

    I'm sure this made sense when you typed it but
    any chance you could explain this comment ?

    "In a word, loons, acting out of sheer deluded lunacy."

    So this is the face of Obama's "post-partisan America"? What a clever, well-reasoned attempt to put forward the benefits of Obama care. How dare the unwashed masses stand up to the millionaire liberal elites who know what is best for us but aren't flocking to enroll in the same system they expect us to swallow.

  7. More evidence of the extent of the delusional state of the teabagging wingers.

    The minority that comprises the tea baggers is no where near 50 % of the population.
