Sunday, July 19, 2009

Strawberry Salsa - and More Garden & Summer Harvest Pictures

A lot of Alaska's progressive bloggers have been documenting the wonders of midsummer these past few days. Steve's written about this already. Not only do we love sharing glimpses of our gardens with each other and our local readers, showing these little things to people from around the country and world helps people Outside see the glory that Alaska right now truly is.

One of the cool things about blogging in this Alaska community is that so many of us are avid photographers. Some, like Dennis Zaki and Steve have a knack for catching special moments on "film." I think we all feel sort of relieved this month, enjoying seeing and catching Alaska unfold in front of us, with fresh eyes.

AKM has been sharing pictures from her Prince William Sound sailing trip last week:

Linda has been chronicling the battles with neighborhood cats and zucchini-crazed rabbits:

Steve has been looking into Classical backgrounds of one of the plants in his yard:

And Shannyn shows us how to professionally fillet a lot of Kenai River Sockeye salmon, as they're prepared for the smokehouse:
She can field dress a moose too. And a bear.

Here are my latest midsummer photos:

Judy's strawberry salsa. It has mint, cilantro and strawberries from our garden. Served with fresh garden lettuces. It is the best salsa I've ever eaten. These were dinner leftovers:

Dwarf dogwood berries:

Iris fronds, bluebells and ferns:

First green bean flower:

A lot of zucchini flowers:

One grand bok choy:


  1. Would Judy be willing to part with the Strawberry Salsa recipe? I'm salivating looking at the picture!! :p

  2. I think the recipe is something like this:

    2 cups fresh strawberries, diced to <1/4 inch
    1 cup tomatoes, diced the same as the berries
    1/2 cup chopped cilantro
    3/4 cup chopped mint
    2 jalapeno peppers
    2 limes juiced, with pulp
    chipotle chili powder to taste

    (we get our chili powder from a spice shop down below the Pike Street Market in Seattle)

  3. Thanks Phil. This jumps to the head of my Things To Do list!!
