Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saradise Found - Chapter 11 -- More Media Than Protesters for Palin Outside Letterman Employer HQ in NYC


  1. There they are... Sarah Palin fans! I'd be embarrassed to have their support.

  2. There is a legitimate reason why we refer to these people as wingnuts.

  3. I'd be embarrassed to own these people as relatives!

  4. So. When is Sarah Palin going to form the "Fire Barack Obama Campaign"?

    Led by Joe the Plumber?

  5. Sarah Palin's mantra: free speech for ME, but not for THEE.

  6. OMG what ARE these people?

    No seriously, who would want these individuals supporting their cause?

    This is called "doing more harm than good". Egad!!!

    Who let the dogs out?

  7. "Sarah Palin's mantra: free speech for ME, but not for THEE."

    Where did Palin call for the banning of free speech ? Letterman spewed his bile , Palin exercised her free speech and asked for an apology. Free speech does have consequences as Letterman found out.

  8. Good to see the "progressive" Left have their priorities in order. N.Korea is threatening war, Iran is in turmoil, Obama has fired two IG's and the top story here is Palin supporters outside CBS studios !! Isn't this story two days old now ?
    Way to be relevant, liberals. But I guess hatred of one woman must top all other topics.

  9. @3:02, if the" lack of support for Sarah Palin" post bothers you so much, you don't have to read it.

    Just a thought!

    And all progressives do need to take a look at that Sarah Palin NYC footage, so we know what "non-progressives" really looks like. How can we dialogue with you if we don't know what matters to non-progressives, like Sarah Palin supporters?

  10. anon @ 3:02 - I'm considering updating the comment policy at PA. Do you have any creative, positive suggestions?

  11. "How can we dialogue with you if we don't know what matters to non-progressives, like Sarah Palin supporters?"

    What kind of dialog can I expect from those who think fifty people represent the whole gamut of non-"progressive" thought ? Be that as it may, I seriously think that the over-extended "two-minute hate" some on the Left have shown Sarah Palin is not healthy for political discourse or the future of democracy. Much as I am repulsed by those few idiots on the right who indulge in racism to attack Obama, I am equally disgusted (as a former liberal) at the raw misogyny shown towards Sarah Palin. There has been nothing in recent political history to compare to the sheer level of hatred directed at this woman. Only yesterday some influential Leftist blogger compared her to the Iranian
    mullahs ......really...has she ordered the killing of young gays, the murder of journalists, the killing of US troops ? To compare her to the murderous thugs currently killing young protesters in Tehran is hyperbole of the highest order.
    The fight for freedom in Iran is the most important event in the world right now and I guess I just expected more from "progressives" who, at least in the '60s, used to care about such things.

  12. " anon @ 3:02 - I'm considering updating the comment policy at PA. Do you have any creative, positive suggestions?"

    Much as I disagree with some of the views expressed here, I think the comments policy is a pretty good one. I think some interesting debates can emerge from the kind of open forum you have at your site. There is nothing more boring then Left or Right blogs that censor comments and create a virtual echo chamber of opinions. I would contend, as well, that sometimes having an opposing voice in the comments means that site regulars have to "up their game" when it comes to discussions.

  13. Lazy or Purposely Anonymous @ June 18, 2009 3:02 PM said "Good to see the "progressive" Left have their priorities in order...and the top story here is Palin supporters outside CBS studios !! Isn't this story two days old now ?
    Way to be relevant, liberals. But I guess hatred of one woman must top all other topics."

    Call it by its proper name, Anon: we disrespect Sarah Palin, not hate her.

    BTW, in case you haven't noticed, this is an Alaskan blog. With a lot of Alaskan topics. Sarah Palin being one of them.

    As far as timeliness goes, the plagiarism story is ONLY TWO WEEKS OLD, and I'd be happy to re-visit that topic because I still feel Thomas Van Flein is a really lousy excuse for a lawyer...

    I mean, how could any lawyer worth his sheepskin say two mentions of the plagiarized author was "proper attribution" in a speech that lasted a quarter of an hour with a space of 425 words between the first mention and the second? With his only source a DICTIONARY!

    Real sources for ethical and proper citation say if you're using someone else's words, you should note the author EVERY TIME you use their words.

    In Sarah Palin's case in that speech, that would be citations as many times as minutes in her speech: about 15 or so.

    Versus her two.

    P.S. I could discuss Sarah Palin's sellout of the Alaskan people, with her cozy deal with Exxon and AGIA, if you'd like.

  14. The only revision I'm considering is to the extent that "anonymous" would only work for the first person who registered under that pseudonym. Any subsequent registerees would have to take a number - Anonymous 2, Anonymous 3, and so forth. I agree with the concept of anonymity, but find it frustrating to respond to a number of people signing off with the same handle, who I can't tell apart.

    I also want to find out if there's a way I can better track the urls from which comments are coming. I suspect a bit of astro-turfing lately. Too much boiler-plate stuff coming from the Palin supporters.

  15. Updating the policy is good.

    But I think the "anonymous" option should be taken away. Let people make up a handle if they have too, but trying to distinguish one anonymous from another is downright confusing.

    If they're not creative enough to make up anything better than Jane Doe or John Smith, then so be it. But it is so easy to put in a name, any name.
