Saturday, June 13, 2009

Riot of Wet Wildflowers at Home

Back in 1992, I wrote a piece for string quartet, called Riot of Wildflowers at Wet Gulch. Wet Gulch is on the south side of the beginnings of Willow Creek, just west of Hatcher Pass. The chocolate lilies, monkshood, columbine, geraniums and other flowers that bloom there in late June are a joy to behold.

Here's a performance of the work, from September, 2000, by the Sitka Festival string quartet.

Click on this link

Then click on the green arrow.

Then back-click until you get back to this page.

Then scroll down over the pictures of wet wildflowers I took this afternoon.



  1. crystalwolf aka caligrlJune 14, 2009 at 9:55 AM

    Thanks for this Phil!
    The rock garden is beautiful.

  2. I am so inspired! I just showed the husband the picture, he gets it now. Thank you

  3. Thanks for sharing beautiful flowers.........

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