Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pontius Prevus' Big Night

The Chair wore red

The Reds outnumbered the Blues at least by four to one

At least the blues played music

The wind played with the imagery

As usual, the Blues' signs showed more imagination, less groupthink


  1. Prevo’s Goons. http://tinyurl.com/m8u4pd

    Prevo is center, in the grey sport coat, goon#1 is in the black vest red shirt, goon#2 is in the orange slicker with folded arms.

    Who knew a preacher needed bodyguards?

  2. Jerry has had goons with him for many years. I remember sitting in a booth next to him and his goons at the Sea Galley one night back in the '90s. It was pretty weird.

  3. In another picture Prevo was having a stern discussion with a guy from ACLU. Wonder what they were talking about? Civil liberties?

  4. The sign with the "Pedophiles come from churches, not gay bars" is so true. The stricter the church, the easier it is for them to hide. Why is it that people are just not getting (in spite of the public discourse) that gender preference and attraction to children are not related?

  5. that's got to be on a par with the greatest protest signs of all time.

  6. Good meeting you there, Phillip. And I agree: the blues have a bit more creative spin on their signs. I particularly liked the" 98.5% of your sign sucks" response to the "98.5% of the country is straight." Heh. Well played, random blue. Well played indeed!

    - Janson

  7. Wonder what they were talking about? Civil liberties?

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  8. Wonder what they were talking about? Civil liberties?

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