Friday, June 26, 2009

Saradise Lost - Book 2 - Chapter 72 -- Comedy Blog C4P Holds Meaningful Fundraisers for Linda & Dennis

The image at the left might be Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. praying to Rev. Muthee to rid Her iconic Presence of the malicious desecrations of Her Hallowed Image by the misrepresentation of Her love of all things living, unless She wants to kill them.

Meanwhile, those dang, pesky Alaska bloggers are at it again.

We are continuing to ask questions. And we're providing information nobody else has the time, resources or will to reveal.

We've sent a video blogger to the lower Yukon, while the people there are meeting one of their biggest challenges since Europeans gave them venereal disease, smallpox and influenza.

We've raising thousands of dollars to get information into the public domain - information that should be freely available to citizens.

We've raising money and votes to send pesky bloggers to national conferences, so that they know Alaskans can think.

We're doing most of this on our own, with the awesome help of our regular readers. But Thursday, we got help from two political humor web sites.

One of them, Wonkette, is long-established. I've been an occasional reader for years. The other humor site, Conservatives4Palin, is a fairly recent development. Progressive Alaska would link to it on our right-hand sidebar of links, under the humor category, but it isn't an Alaska site. It is a Palin humor site based somewhere else. Some have suggested Buenos Aires, Argentina, but I think "film maker" John Ziegler's john might be more accurate.

Thursday, they probably set a record for people who linked to them from progressive Alaskan sites, as they devoted a lot of space (three articles) to our coverage of Meg Stapleton's most recent nonsense.

Why am I even bringing up this humor site? Because they helped us raise money yesterday, and they deserve a little bit of thanks for that. We'll figure out how to use them to raise more money for our causes, once we get the hang of it. Some might call Thursday a trial run. We need to learn fast, because they have a far shorter shelf life than we do, and our concerns and duties make far more sense than do theirs.

After all - C4P is devoted to Sarah Palin. We are not.

Thanks, C4P!

Update - Friday 3:00 p.m:

Shannyn has moved way out front, but you can vote for her anyway.

Dennis has interviewed Alaska rural Affairs advisor, John Moller, in Emonak. Gov. Palin even twittered about it:

"AKGovSarahPalin John also met w/CNN reporter [Dennis Zaki] while in Emmonak & shared welcomed GOOD NEWS of region…as a result, highly unlikely interview will air:)"

We'll see, Sarah...


  1. Thanks Phil! Love it! I've added my thanks to C4P on all the other blogs too. :)

  2. Wasn't that very Christian of the C4per's to assist in the fund raising efforts? God Bless them all. ROFLMAO!

  3. I never thought I'd write this, but thanks Crazies4P and TEAM SAINT SARAH. And most esp., thanks to Meg Stapleton, for giving us the real story over there, with your use of "iconic" and "desecrate."

    By the way, David Letterman thanks all of you, too; his ratings are the best ever! He keeps beating THE TONIGHT SHOW.

  4. I think we need to thank Mansour for being so slipshod in her unending search for Democrats to slam. If she'd been more professional in her endeavors she would have found Baby Dave - and slammed *his* creator instead of Linda.

    And we'd still be waiting patiently - instead of looking forward to tomorrow. And the next day. And the next week. :)

  5. @Aussie, Luckily for us, "Mansour" and "professional" don't fit together in a sentence. ;-)

    I wonder if/when Palin will ever hire a PR professional, and someone who can manage her fan clubs.

  6. Mansewer is a political writer and PR firm.

  7. Too funny! So this was just a dry run... LOL

  8. Coming out of lurk mode to say thanks for this great post. Perfect!

    Linda in Virginia

  9. Sarah just gets more stinky every day...

  10. @5:43. What PR firm in L.A. does Mansour work for? What are her "political writing" credits (or is she just self-published)? Who has paid her to write? Please, tell us more of her professional PR resume, if you know it! Because the only "credit" of hers that's been highlighted is that she wrote a 24-minute student film ten years ago.

  11. Thanks C 4 Pee for helping Celtic Diva raise the money to obtain the emails!! I don't think she could have done it without you.

    Everyone else made great comments so that is all I'll say....

  12. Thanks Phil, I threw some money in the pot just to spite the C4P's and because Linda deserves it for her courageous bid for the email's. What a crazy state we live in.

  13. I Quote "It is past time to restore decency in politics and real tolerance for all Americans. Believe it or not this was written by Meg Stapleton.Think Sarah might fire her over her "Liberal" attitude

  14. @6:23
    Mansour is a self appointed PR firm, Online Pr Firm.
    I am not saying they intended to set up a firm for a single person, it happened. Follow a few of their posts. She contacts everyone to promote herself and Palin. She talks to conservative radio stars and their big boys like Zeigler. As time goes on she looks like she is in deeper collaborations with the other team Sarahs. Check Palingates. Mansour goes bananas when someone picks up on one of her articles. If it quacks like a duck, it is a duck. I don't know what they claim to be, the work like an Online Pr Firm.

    We researched her a while back and I didn't pay much attention. Google Rebecca A. Mansour. I remember something about writing. It may have been from when she was in school in Detroit, a Catholic University? I think she is now connected to a school in LA. Look into some of the younger people who write for her site. She has been making a living other then her 15 min in film, that probably cost her. Or it was grant money? You know academia Is she paid to run the site? She may be a teacher or writer. I don't know the details.

    Dido Ellissa said...
    From a quick search Rebecca Mansour looks like it could be the writer from L.A.


  15. Thanks, @11:15 a.m. If RAM is dating Ziegler, it can't be too difficult to contact him. Together with Meg, they are really hurting SP's image (To which I cheer "Hooray!).

    I wonder if the Firecracker PR firm part is related to a quirky tax status or something...

    (RAM can't teach at a university in So. Cal. if she only has a B.A.)

  16. @12:34
    RAM can't teach at a university in So. Cal.

    She might be a student living off of grants, idk. If she earned money by writing, that should show up. She has plenty of time to do her blog and all of her social networking.

  17. "...but I think "film maker" John Ziegler's john might be more accurate."

    LOL. Witty, spot-on post, Phil.

  18. " FireCracker" Firm...?
    Don't those usually blow up..? or are we waiting for the 4th of July. Ironic choice of name. NOT to be confused with ' iconic' though.

  19. Phil, those are some amazingly bitchy Twitters, aren't they? I think it's highly likely that the interview will be shown - after all, it may provide a brilliant contrast to the visual evidence.

  20. ABS,

    Dennis will be posting video after he's worked out how CNN will handle its part of his material.

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