Thursday, May 21, 2009

VP Biden to AKNG in Kosovo - "She's Quite a Lady"

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo earlier today. The camp is named after my old friend, James Leroy Bondsteel, who was killed in a wierd accident on the old Knik River Bridge of the Glenn Highway. The new bridge there is also named for "Buddha."

Here's what Biden said to the Alaska National Guard troops there:

Hey, those of you from Alaska, your helicopter unit today gave me a copy of your patch -- Northern Exposure. (Laughter.) You’ve all seen it, haven’t you? I just -- where the hell were you when I was debating Sarah Palin? (Laughter.)

I could have used this patch. When she said, "Can I call you Joe?" I’d say, "Sure, if you wear your patch." (Laughter.)

By the way, she’s quite a lady -- and I mean that sincerely.


  1. That was tongue in check or how ever you want to take it. He has a little bit of class, unlike that crazy lady Palin.

  2. Oh, yeah. She's quite a lady, alright.

    Quite the bat-shit whack job!

  3. Keep up the hatin !

  4. Anonymous 6:09, if there's any hatin' around, it's the hate and bigotry Palin shows to rural Natives, when she insults them by delivering cookies to villages where residents couldnt afford both heat and food last winter, and then urging them to move to cities to get jobs, after her administration continues to allow Bering Sea factory trawlers to "by-catch" the salmon that could provide both jobs and food in those villages.

    Oh, and the hatin' from the bigots supporting the Governess, too. The worst racism I've seen in years came from Palin supporters in their comments on Daily News stories about village food shortages last winter.

    We don't "hate" Palin, we just find her disgusting, and are tired of her deliberate ignorance and incompetence, as well as the racism of her and her supporters.

  5. The REAL "hatin' " is on the conservatives for Palin blogs, where they intersperse mindless praise for Palin with equally mindless and fact-devoid "hate" towards President Obama and his entire administration.

    If it were any more hateful, it'd be treasonous. As it is, it's bigoted and cultish.

  6. The worst racism I've seen in years came from Palin supporters in their comments on Daily News stories about village food shortages last winter.

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