Monday, May 11, 2009

A Photographic Diversion

Strider, waiting for his first raft trip of the year: Sunset over Neklason Lake:
Matanuska Peak, reflected on a glassy Neklason Lake:

Mooch missed the raft trip:


  1. Great photos! I would LOVE to live on the water.....

  2. Mooch looks like he has home chores to do!

  3. clark,

    Most lefty blogs indulge in the sometimes derided custom of "cat blogging" on Fridays.But Judy took that picture and sent it to me on her iPhone. Couldn't resist.


    Mooch is afraid to go anywhere on the raft. Doesn't like the vacuum very much when it's going either.

  4. Mooch is angry and will leave a mouse on your pillow for leaving him home. . . }:-)

    These are all great-- I read that Mooch doesn't like rafting trips,but I had to tease you when I saw this picture!

  5. Mooch and Strider shared a vole today. Strider felt compelled to hassle a robin, partially to let Mooch know that if he could catch a bird to share, he would - I guess.

  6. womanwithsardinecanMay 12, 2009 at 5:01 AM

    Great pics! Love the housework kitty pic. I have one cat who helps "read" the paper, and another who "helps" make the bed. They get paid in cat treats.
    I didn't know the lefty blog Friday cat tradition (checks calendar).

  7. Hey - terrific pictures and thanks for sharing. You live in a beautiful place.
