Wednesday, May 27, 2009

At the Alaska House Democratic Campaign Committee Fundraiser

I stopped in for the Alaska House campaign fundraiser this afternoon in Anchorage. Here are some pictures, taken shortly after the event began:

Ray Metcalfe, with a new petition, requesting that the FBI and US DOJ aggressively continue their investigations of Alaska political corruption:

The crowd at about 5:45 pm:
Looking the other direction:
Rep. Les Gara, rousing the crowd with his vision of a growing Democratic Party in Alaska:
images - Progressive Alaska


  1. Looks like a good turnout.

    Here is hoping that Ray Metcalfe obtained a lot of signatures for his quest!

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrlMay 28, 2009 at 7:02 AM

    "Ray Metcalfe, with a new petition, requesting that the FBI and US DOJ aggressively continue their investigations of Alaska political corruption"
    But its a shame they need a petition to "continue" the investigations?
    There is certainly plenty to keep them busy, GINO is a Biggie, she's corrupt as all get out!!!!

  3. Ray Metcalfe, with a new petition, requesting that the FBI and US DOJ aggressively continue their investigations of Alaska political corruption:

    ok, so how can I sign that petition? Please post a way to contact Ray and so we can sign on--OUR LEGISLATORS ARE NOT GOING TO STAND UP TO PALIN SO GOING OUTSIDE THE STATE IS THE ONLY WAY.

  4. At the Alaska House Democratic Campaign Committee Fundraiser

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