Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spector plus Franken = 60

The GOP in the Senate wants Spector to give up all his committee seats. The Democrats are likely to hold out on reorganization though, until the GOP surrenders the Coleman-Franken dispute.

Who's next - Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Lisa....


  1. the smartest thing specter could do is switch. he could leverage his committee assignments, respond to his state's demographic shifts, avoid a primary challenge he'll likely lose, etc. maybe he's just not that concerned about party ID and is expecting to run as an independent? who knows.

  2. oh, never mind! he already came to the same conclusion. ;

  3. Yes but the reorg thing is HUGE. The GOPers cannot fill his current seats he holds on Committees, unless Congress allows them to "reorg" and why should they allow that unless the Republics allow Franken to be seated.
    Oops sorry, meant "point of negotiation".
    Specter can choose to keep his Comm Seats as a Dem. I believe.

  4. Specter should keep all of his seats. Lieberman didn't give up anything when he was stomping for the GOP. Can't wait until Franken is seated. I'm wondering if there might be any other switchers following Spector. Maybe not to the Dem side but at least becoming Independents. The GOP hasn't exactly made it's moderates welcome.
