Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saradise Lost - Book 2 - Chapter 39 -- The Acceptance Letter

Dear Mr. President,

The purpose of this letter is to provide notice that I am accepting those funds available to Alaska under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) that create new, private-sector jobs and grow the economy.

I have invited public discussion through the legislative hearing process currently underway on ARRA funds that appear designed to grow government programs or that will impose federal mandates on our state. Federal stimulus spending must not add to strained state budgets nor diminish state sovereignty by imposing mandates, now or in the future.

The law requires that I certify that every dollar of these economic stimulus funds will create jobs and grow the economy. I take that charge seriously. I have forwarded requests to Alaska's legislators to appropriate hundreds of millions of dollars for infrastructure projects that truly create new private sector jobs and stimulate the economy. Through our budget process, I have also accepted additional Medicaid funds available through ARRA.

We will continue to review the assurances and requirements in the ARRA under each title for receipt of federal economic stimulus funds. The state legislature is fully engaged in the budget process and taking public testimony on the economic stimulus funding to determine the impacts on Alaska's budget now and in the future when the federal funds are no longer available. It is possible that there will be areas where the state will not choose to apply for funds. These instances will be addressed on a case by case basis.

Pursuant to Title XVI, section 1607 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Pub. L. 111-5 (Feb. 17, 2009)) ("ARRA"), entitled "Additional funding Distribution and Assistance of Appropriate Use of Funds", I Sarah Palin, the Governor of the State of Alaska, hereby certify that:

1) The State of Alaska will request and use certain funds provided by ARRA with some decisions subject to final determinations based on the legislative appropriations process described in this letter; and

2) Funds will be used to create jobs and promote economic growth.

By making this certification, the State of Alaska is not committed now or in the future, to accept all of the federal funds.

The federal economic stimulus package will have profound, long-term implications. Our citizens and future generations must have the hope of meaningful work and economic opportunity, rather than be burdened by higher taxes and increased national debt.


Sarah Palin Governor

hat tip to Celtic Diva


  1. Sorry this is off topic, but, relevant, forgive me. Can you tell me how W.A.R is on the Official State web page and being quoted as the Attorney General? I didn't think that he had been confirmed yet.

  2. Typical Palin hubris. She was forced to write the letter to maintain control. And she's basically telling the Feds she'll take the money on her own terms. So if there is going to be any sort of oversite, someone in D.C. better have Palin on the top of the list.

  3. I hope the Pres tells her to eff off, take it all, take it on terms dictated by us, or don't take it. I'll be darned if I can figure out where she gets off telling the Pres/VP/Senate/Congress that she is the boss of them.

  4. Some have said that Palin wrote TWO ARRA certification letters -- one dated 3/31 and one dated 4/2. According to, so far only one certification letter was received - 3/31:

    So what's with this letter of 4/2?

  5. Is she capable of allowing any of her talking heads to execute any of her duties with decorum, grace and dignity?Why is her childishness and pettyness always given a pass? Giggling at cancer jokes at the expense of a cancer victim, trying to rebrand Troopergate, belittling that whole affair as Tasergate? Asking our senior Senator to resign and now ask his successor to resign so the senior can run again? Telling Ketchikan that there is no nowhere? Telling the President what for? It seems that only the blogging community and anonymous commentators to articles are the only one taking her to the mat. The far right is right that we find her to be a threat, to Democracy. . .

  6. anon. at 5, now how can we take any of that seriously? if you don't attach your real name to your comment...?
    you're just another notch on doogan, et. al.'s hammer handle, eh?

  7. Here. I'll say it:

    Is she capable of allowing any of her talking heads to execute any of her duties with decorum, grace and dignity?Why is her childishness and pettyness always given a pass? Giggling at cancer jokes at the expense of a cancer victim, trying to rebrand Troopergate, belittling that whole affair as Tasergate? Asking our senior Senator to resign and now ask his successor to resign so the senior can run again? Telling Ketchikan that there is no nowhere? Telling the President what for? It seems that only the blogging community and anonymous commentators to articles are the only one taking her to the mat. The far right is right that we find her to be a threat, to Democracy. . .

  8. Clark Yarrington, hilarious is thy name. Mary Smith, thank you - though your name is anonymous enough.

    I guess if we don't sign our names on any comments from now on, it's like a tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it. It's the new posting etiquette, the Palin faithful's latest, greatest talking point and weapon.

    It will be like Harald the Missionary in the movie Erik the Viking, where he does not see the mythical creatures that stalk the Vikings around him because they are blasphemous.

    When you are labled a baby-killer just for having an opinion on a politician, it's fairly obvious why Joe Q. Public doesn't feel the need to offer their John Hancock on everything.


    Anonymous Jr.

  9. I could give a hoot what "the Palin faithful" think about my anonymous posting.

    When every one of them who continue to praise the corrupt Gov. Palin and her Wasilla Mafia, and who vilify Pres. Obama, his wife, his efforts to unify the country and fix the Bush administration's lawless screwups, etc. -- when those people put their real names to their insults and childish name-calling, I'll do the same.

  10. I'd be interested to see letters from other govs to see if they used "Mr. President" or "President Obama" and if there is some protocol involved there, or is it another juvenile act on the part of our gov in refusing to use his name.

    Anyone remember what she used when begging him to get the TransCanada ball rolling?


  11. Notice the difference between the letters from the posturing governors (TX, AK) and the governors interested in promoting the best interests of their states:


  12. @anonymous. Letter to Obama re: pipeline has the same address and salutation as the stimulus letter.

    Except... Header on 2nd and 3rd page of pipeline letter says "Honorable Barack Obama.

    I also noticed the difference in other state stim cert letters. Looks to me like our Gov is snubbing the POTUS. As am Alaskan I am ashamed.

  13. Last week I looked at conservatives4Palin for the first time and what a shocker! An advertisement for improving our education system. Most if the posts wear written at the 9th grade level!!! Ask yourself ... How bright could someone be if they STILL support Palin!!! Or if they think she is actually capable of being Potus!!! What kind if person still believes that after listening to her speak and watching what she does! It is mind boggling, isn't it?? I don't know a so single person of either party that thinks she is capable emotionally, intellectually or any other level!

  14. we got rid of the terms 'war on terror' and 'enemy combatant' recently. let's add POTUS to the list.
