Monday, April 20, 2009

Please Sign Marcy Wheeler's Holder anti-Torture Petition

--- by Jane Hamsher

If you saw the front page of the New York Times today, you saw them pick up an important story that Marcy Wheeler broke on FDL on Saturday -- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in one month.

She reported how the interrogators went far outside of anything they were legally allowed to do, even under the expansive laws written by the Bush Administration.

Marcy's work shows just how important it is that Attorney General Eric Holder appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate the torture of detainees.

You can sign the petition here!

The ACLU will be delivering the signatures to Secretary Holder later this week.

The deadline for signatures is 9:00 am ET, Thursday, April 23.

Thanks for taking the time to stand up for the rule of law.

[Marcy Wheeler wrote the book, Anatomy of Deceit. Her blog is emptywheel. Jane Hamsher is one of the founders of the blog firedoglake, and of the progressive funding tool, Blue America, which helped both the Mark Begich and Ethan Berkowitz 2008 campaigns. I occasionally write for firedoglake, or their niche site, Oxdown Gazette]

image - Marcy Wheeler, from The Guardian


  1. I thought President Obama said there would be no prosecutions. Or is this petition about something else?

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrlApril 20, 2009 at 8:51 PM

    Truth, he said there wouldn't be, that what this is about...THERE SHOULD BE!!!`

  3. Phil, thanks, I signed it. It's knocks the wind out of me to be fighting for right in our State...and the country is going to hell...You Rock!

  4. Truth,

    He has said that, but he is a president capable of learning. It has been 29 years since we had one.

  5. Any ideas on how the signature drive is going? Not sure how you can find out.

  6. Phil, thanks for the link--I signed!

  7. Thanks for the link. So so disturbing.
