Thursday, April 23, 2009

How I Spent Much of Earth Day 2009

This isn't a very good photo - iPhone. I cleaned the green house of winter debris and dirt. Then I potted eight tomato plants, two jalapeno pepper plants, two cucumber plants, parsley and rosemary. Then I planted eight tubs with basil seeds. The big planters on the bench have arugula, cilantro and meusclin. They will be ready for salads by the time Judy returns from Homer next week.


  1. Oh, you elitist salad eater, you!

  2. I JUST finished chopping the ice around the base of our wee greenhouse yesturday. The door can finally open!!! The 5 yr old and I planted some flower seeds in one of the "start kits" with the pellets? 3 weeks later and they are looking lame. Can't wait to till our little potato patch and get my bare feet into the fresh soil!
    We painted pictures of the Earth. happy, happy!

  3. Hey you guys are wonderful! Good job on ya'

  4. Have you tried lemon cucumbers or yellow bell tomatoes? Heavenly.

  5. lemon cukes - no. We tend to like English and Armenian.

    Two kinds of yellow tomatoes this year. Our favorite red ones are Stupice. They aren't real big, but they grow quickly - we'll be eating some by the end of June - and are delicious.

  6. Stupice tomatoes were Joe Sonneman's favorite. He was always giving me plants that I didn't want because I didn't have a greenhouse or a good window spot for them. When I had them in the front porch, people left the door open on cool days, so all I ever got were green tomatoes.

    One of these days, I'll get that little greenhouse in the back yard... Meanwhile the snow is finally gone in the downtown area of Your Fair Capital City, and I'm nursing a cold instead of de-thatching the lawn or spading the salad bed by the front door. My Egyptian walking onions have been up for several weeks, the chives are about 2 inches high, and I should be able to have my first rhubarb dessert in about 10 days.

  7. just quit with the talk of gardening,

    some of us are still locked in perpetual winter and we don't appreciate all the happy chatter about something that's not likely to happen here for quite some time yet.

    If you ask me, Earth Day should be moved to a later date.
