Saturday, March 7, 2009

Upcoming Valdez Workshop on Trans-Alaska Pipeline Oversight

--- by Gabe Scott

Downstream stakeholders are cordially invited to a Trans-Alaska Pipeline Citizen Oversight Workshop, March 10- 11, at the Valdez Civic Center.

Cascadia Wildlands Project’s Alaska field office, and Copper River Watershed Project, are hosting the consensus-building workshop that will involve subsistence, sport and commercial fishermen, conservationists, tribes, ANCSA Corporations, business-owners, and other downstream residents

Our mission as citizens, twenty years after the Exxon Valdez, is to work together on proactive measures to ensure that never again will such a disaster take place. While improvements have been made in Prince William Sound since the spill, the complacency in government and industry has again creeped in, especially on the TAPS.

As citizens, there are two key things we all have in common:

1. we want to keep the oil in the pipe;

2. we aren’t willing to just cross our fingers and hope.

The Goal of the Meeting is to reach consensus on priorities for improved safety of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and initiate a plan of action to make that happen. Informal discussions among stakeholders have focused on a Citizen Oversight Council, similar to the one in Prince William Sound that was formed as a demonstration project after the Exxon Valdez. At that time, Congress found that similar Citizen Oversight Councils should be formed elsewhere as well. This promise has never been met.

If we are the change we've been waiting for, lets step up and make it happen. Hope to see you in Valdez!

Download Meeting Materials Here:

Background on Citizen Oversight:
> Fineberg Research (the most comprehensive, reliable source of information on the TAPS)

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