Sunday, March 8, 2009

Gov. Palin's Recorded Address to the 2009 Special Olympics in Boise


  1. Looks like he likes looking at Piper more than at Grandma.

    We finally see him with glasses.
    We see him, once again, barefoot.

    I guess that's it for my thoughts.

  2. I'm posting this because it is important. I checked to see if any other Alaska bloggers or media had posted it, before I decided to put it up. Nobody had, so here it is at PA...

  3. Saccharine.
    Bobby Jindal ish
    Using kids as props
    but of course: don't mess with my kids.

    Why is it so painful to watch this woman?

    Oh, I know. Because she preaches so much but need to be preached to: about honesty, integrity, maturity, over ambition, parenting.


  4. While Sarah and Piper were on the bed did Piper ever look away from Trig during the 3 minutes? I find that unnatural.

    There is a worthwhile post about 'Sarah Palin and the rights of children under state care' on Palingates blog. Palin's policies regarding children and medication need to be discussed.

  5. She is so supportive of specail o now that she has one. We all remember that she S. O. For the budget the year before.

    Is it just me but has anyone one gotten the impression for this that there is an undercurrent of dissapointment in producing a specail needs child. I sure picked it up.

    We all know where this kid is going to end up, in some place like Dan Guvonie had going at Plentner's dog kennel or what Bonnie had out on Pittan road.

  6. I wonder whose kid that is? Did Sarah ever agree to the DNA test that the Anchorage Daily News offered to pay for?

  7. She's looking like a "bobblehead"!
    Does anyone in Wasilla ever see her jogging?
    I think she is dieting too much, to much dr. pepper & skinny lattes not enough moose chili.
    Anorexia would fit in with her personality disorder (s)

  8. There does not seem to be a natural mother child chemistry between Sarah and Trig. She may be talking acceptance but its not coming through.

  9. Lol - I definitely saw you at Mudflats Mr Progressive Alaska.......

    Daisy Daisy

  10. I don't know what it is but everything she says in public sounds so PHONY. It is like a bad newscaster. And everything she says sounds so contrived and for an effect. Nothing sounds honest.
