Monday, March 2, 2009

Another 2008 Award for Progressive Alaska...?

Over the weekend, I encountered the most bizarre internet character to stalk me since "Jeff Pezzati," back in April, 2004. This new guy's nom de blog is Dash RIPROCK III.

Dash Riprock was a character on
Beverly Hillbillies. Here he is, played by Larry Pennell, in a skit that also features the great comedienne, Nancy Kulp:

The creators of
Beverly Hillbillies originally wanted to name the prototype Riprock character Homer Noodleman.

Pennell, who had earlier starred in what may have been one of the ten worst TV series flops of all time - Ripcord (we actually got one of the Ripcord parachute guy toys for my younger brother Gene for his birthday in 1962) - was a spoof on stars like Rock Hudson and Tab Hunter, and probably a riff on characters such as Kookie, from 77 Sunset Strip. The character Kookie's full name in the series was Gerald Lloyd Kookson, III.

Hmmmm.... Dash RIPROCK III, Gerald Lloyd Kookson III.... a coincidence? I think so.

But a real weird tie-in between the Dash Riprock character of old and the one who may be stalking
Progressive Alaska, is Nancy Kulp's tie-in to the new Riprock's mantra, posted at the top of his web site:

Dedicated to Bitter Small Town Americans Who Cling to Their Guns and Religion

This new Riprock is obviously
referring to a statement made by President Obama, while campaigning in California early last year:

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them..

"And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

"It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Nancy Kulp, the original Riprock's secret desire, ran for congress in one of the Pennsylvania Congressional Districts referred to by Obama -
The 9th, in 1984. That seat is now occupied by Bill Schuster, who inherited it from his dad, Bud, who defeated Nancy.

Twilight Zone theme? Not yet.....

So this internet character, Dash Riprock III, has a web site called
The Hooterville Gazette, and a niche at Townhall.Com. He checked into my life early Sunday, in the comment thread to An Open Letter to John Ziegler:

Ah Yes, the venerable Mr. Munger. Why am I not surprised at your thoughts on John Ziegler? Not many understand that you started all that Palin Dinosaur nonsense. I've been watching for you since then. Loved that YouTube video of you delivering those poems. Did you affect a lot of social change with that???

I'm not even going to conduct a vote. You are
The Hooterville Gazette's Idiot of 2008.

So, we kept corresponding over he course of yesterday. Checking him out, the guy adores Sarah Palin and John Ziegler - not necessarily in that order. He also appears to despise my young friend, Max Blumenthal.

I was hoping the award was real. Homer Noodleman III may actually award it to me.
The real ones I got last year already are tied between the very real and prestigious, and the somewhat real and almost humorous.

This award -
Hooterville Gazette Idiot of 2008, will have to go into a new category. He wanted a picture of me, so I sent him a few I found on the web.

image - Larry Pennell and Ken Curtis in Ripcord


  1. Dash RIPROCK III is an anonymous blogger. Sarah Palin, along with all true conservatives, hates anonymous bloggers. Therefore Sarah Palin hates Dash RIPROCK III.

  2. I'm hoping DRIII has the balls to tell me who he really is.

  3. I'd rather the girls splashing around in the Hooterville water tank at Petticoat Junction would stalk me.

  4. The whois for the domain might give you a clue. I won't post the info here because it's easy enough to obtain. (I emailed the results to you in case the registry information gets changed.) That could be a false name though. Interesting that the registrar is an Australian ISP. That ISP charges $35.00 AUS annually, or a little over $22.00 US.

    Note to Dash RIPROCK III: You're paying more than twice as much as you need to for domain registry services and you're sending your dollars overseas. Why do you hate America?

  5. How funny, or is it sad Phil... that now you have your own personal stalker... Palin was always worried about it and now you end up with

    And who is it, but one of her admirers.. how bizarre.

    Good luck to you..

  6. Philip @ #5 What?

  7. Congratulations Phil!

    You know there are a lot of us idiots around and for you to be singled as an idiot among idiots for this award, just makes the rest of us want to try that much harder.

    Oh if I could but dream of such an honor.

  8. 707 is LOL so hard you fall over backward. 55555 is Thai for LOL

    From my iPhone

  9. <SMACKS FOREHEAD> DOH! I just read about 55555 a couple of days ago on What Do I Know? My powers of recall aren't what they used to be.

  10. Phil I noticed Dash's posts too. I found him a tad uppity...but whatever floats his boat. least he must admire you some to keep coming to the blog. Either that or you have him a tad frightened with all your "truthiness"

    I can only hope and I pray actually...that Sarah Palin reads yours..Gryphens...Shannons and mudflats. Its the only way that I can think of to make her just a little uncomfortable every day. Of course then I would have to feel sorry for her staff. You know how angry those mama grizzly bears can get.


  11. ok went to the site...hooterville gazette??? John Ziegler a up and coming filmmaker???
    WTF? GINOPAC all over the place? Left quick so not to get cooties!!
    What a frigging wingnut! Probably loves Rush too!
    These RepugTaliban just get stupider by the day, they must really be chugging the kool-aid!!!

  12. Phil,

    You've outdone yourself. I no longer feel comfortable just awarding a certificate. I think a trophy might be in order.

    I also appreciate the time you took to research RIPROCK. I'm so sick of people saying "Dash RIPROCK, the Flintstones right?"

    Yes I am a fan of Palin and Ziegler. For the record, in that order, but it's close. You forgot to mention that I'm not a big Al Gore fan. Oh well, perhaps next time.

    Let me assure you, I'm not stalking you. The "hey pups" post was found with an electronic clipping service. Whenever the name Dash RIPROCK III is used in a post, I get an email and an angel gets its wings.

    You people at PA are a lot of fun. If you have a yearly get together, please include me on the invitation list cause I wanna party with you people.


  13. DRIII,

    I haven't even gotten to Petticoat Junction.

    your sense of humor on this is appreciated, too, I guess.

    you can party with us, but only if you can find a genuine original Ripcord kids' parachute toy to bring.

