Monday, February 23, 2009

This Morning's Today Show Interview With John Ziegler


  1. I wonder if a shot of Botox around John Ziegler's mouth would muzzle his motor-mouth?

    He's NEARLY as annoying to listen to as Sarah Palin, and I'm not talking about what he's saying, I'm talking about his endless run-on sentences that seem to go on without stopping to breathe.

    His OTHER annoying habit is to talk over whoever is interviewing him. I wonder if he got that really bad habit from hanging around FoxNews talk show hosts.

  2. I feel the urge to just smack him upside the head when I see him interviewed.

  3. JZ and Ben Stein need to pair up and put out another award winning crapumentary.

  4. John Ziegler presents himself like the male Ann Coulter. I guess it works for her. Pretty funny from a "documentarian".
