In a way her statements meet the Saradise Lost guidelines a lot. Also, she repeats some of her most shopworn,
Drill an offshore well, eliminate an oversight procedure on water quality -- you're a capitalist.
Protect an ecosystem, keep a local ethnic culture from dying in front of the whole world -- you're a socialist.
The segment ends with Medved saying, "We'll be right back. We'll be talking about Darwin."
Dang, you know I want to hear that one.
Is this where the Palin Derangement Syndrome support group meets?
ReplyDeleteI love how she doesn't want the money except when she And she thinks no other governor should take the money unless it is for what they need it for, unless it is to help them, or something like that.
ReplyDeleteHer logic is so twisted it is really hard to follow.
no, no, you should most DEFINETELY give it a Sarahdise lost heading.
ReplyDeleteSince your new found obsession with all things Palin, you don't really write about anything else.
I'd suggest changing the name of the ENTIRE BLOG to Sarhadise Lost, or some other catchy name.
This blog is really more about Sarah Palin than Progressive Politics anyhow.
I used to consider myself a "Progressive", you know, back in the day before it had been turned into a bad cliche.
Now I read so-called "progressive"
blogs such as this one, and others, and to be honest, I can't relate.
These blogs, MF PA CD, do not put forward what I believe to be Progressive thinking. You've devolved into a Sarah Palin wrecking crew of like-minded bloggers, all yelling at each in an echo chamber.
Outside of that chamber, nobody could give a crap about you folks are saying.
So keep dragging up troopergate, keep harassing her kids, keep mocking her because I know you feel better about yourselves when you do.
Keep it up.
Progressive you are not.
Regressive perhaps.
Obsession and fixation on someone, analyzing every move, every word, and concluding that there is some evil intent is what you find when you examine the claims submitted to government agencies by the mentally ill. Palin Derangement Syndrome should now be recognized, and treated as such.
ReplyDeleteHey Phil, nice post. Ignore the Palinites.
ReplyDelete"America loves you"?? Uh, take that back Mr. Medved.......
and, yeah, the Darwin stuff would be interesting--Medved probably thinks the earth was formed 6000 years ago and Adam and Eve ran with the dinosaurs. He and Sarah are a pair.
She is asked if Alaska is not going to take stimulus monies.
ReplyDeleteHer answer implies that, due to her, Alaska isn't going to get a dime...when she and her administration have asked for hundreds of millions.
She then expounds upon capitalism, without mentioning that her socialist government is giving $500 million to a foreign company to try to develop a gas pipeline.
That sounds like socialism, doesn't it?
Thanks Phil for your tireless dedication in exposing this fraud who pretends to sound intelligent. I couldn't even bring myself to listen to this actually. For me, Palin has reached the Bush cringe factor every time she speaks.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you and the many progressive state and national blogs, we no longer have to swallow what is fed to us by the Status Quo's multi-tentacled nationally owned media. Thanks to all the progressive bloggers who unselfishly and freely give of their own personal time. Thanks to the boggers who's primary motovation is to uphold the law and protect our state and national constitutions, the citizenry now has a greater opportunity to read unfiltered accounts of slights against our democracy.
What many regressive capitalists fail to realize is that newspapers and periodicals are all taking a nose dive in distribution because the populace is realizing that the consolidated corporately owned advertising driven media does not truly represent the fourth estate of our democracy. With each passing day it's these independent bloggers, who are not shaped by financial interests, who are gaining in populist appeal because they speak truth to power. It's up to us to engage in critical thinking, weigh their arguments, investigate financial ties, and decide which bloggers are truly working to balance the ideologies of capitalism and socialism that sustain our democracy.
Thanks Phil for your intelligence, your time and your patriotism.
*yawn* "Palin Derangement Syndrome"
ReplyDeleteSoooo unoriginal. These folks used "Bush Derangement Syndrome" until the loser left office. They can't come up with anything new, so they just apply the term over and over, ad nauseum, to whoever they get their attack of victimhood over.
You can thank Michelle Malkin for coining it. Oh and also for coining the new assigned wingnut talking point, "generational theft" in regards to the stimulus package. She's even got McCain using it!
LOL, stupid wingnutz.
Thanks for the article. Medved is a trainwreck and so is Palin. Don't know if I can get through an interview includes TWO morons.
anon @ #3 said, "Since your new found obsession with all things Palin, you don't really write about anything else.
ReplyDelete"I'd suggest changing the name of the ENTIRE BLOG to Sarhadise Lost, or some other catchy name.
"This blog is really more about Sarah Palin than Progressive Politics anyhow."
Of 30 articles in February at Progressive Alaska, eleven related to Gov. Palin. Of those 11, three were on Colberg's resignation, two were on the Iron Dog, and four were on the combination of Palin's appearances in DC in early February, along with her cancellation of an appearance before the GOP national legislators' winter retreat. The other two, this Michael Medved sound clip, and her CPAC cancellation, were merely the first Alaska coverage of those events.
If my snark reduces some of these items' quality as journalism, so be it. But they were all important issues.
As has been noted here and elsewhere, Progressive Alaska had very few articles about Sarah Palin before she made the mistake of believing herself to be a credible national-level political figure.
Almost all PA coverage of Palin before August 29th, 2008, related to her or her administration's actions pertaining to science issues, such as the thwarting of Prof. Rick Steiner's efforts to get to the truth of how Alaska scientists were dealing with the potential listing of Polar Bears as endangered. Palin's views on science have intrigued me since early in her political career. That, and her reliance upon the Evangelical Right.
Others have noted that PA mostly wrote favorably about Gov. Palin from November 2007 until late August, 2008.
anon at 3, it must be tough to reconcile your claim of progressive-ness with support for the governor. i didn't vote for her but was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and see what happened.
ReplyDeleteshe became the biggest disaster in alaska political history within two years. take a look outside the bubble and see what the rest of the USA is saying about her.
Plainly its a J-O-B. she is not qualified and in the absence problem solving, media has nothing to report on her. "diva" stories prevail