Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What Now, Mr. President?

This BBC documentary won't be shown on American network TV. It is too honest, far more direct and mature than Michael Moore's Sicko.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:


  1. okay. this makes me cranky. SO CRANKY! my head wants to split in two. i can't watch more than one video segment a day...or else my blood pressure will do me in. and, as the documentary suggests, that would financially ruin us.

  2. Thanks for those videos. I no longer work for a large company (they left the state and along with them went my great benefit package...)
    I now purchase benefits on my own and each month I spend $233 for a $5000 deductible policy with very few preventive medical/dental benefits. I know that this policy really will only be of use if I ever get really ill and spend more than $5000 on medical care, but I am all of a sudden grateful that I can even afford this level of insurance, after watching these videos.
    Our country has to do something better with MY FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS than spend them on weapons the injure innocents and wars propagated by the egos of our (former) leaders. Thanks for bringing this to light.

  3. Ditto. How are we going to get it out of our heads that spending a bazillion dollars on the military is choking our citizens? And why do we need lobbyists anyway? Isn't the job of our representatives to REPRESENT us - as in, know what we want out of our government, and legislate accordingly? If they can't do that then we should scrap the system. If we can't maintain our economy without ridiculous military spending, then we don't deserve the economy we have.
