Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saradise Lost - Book 2 -- Chapter 21 -- Olbermann Follows Up His "Worst Person" Episode

This is hilarious. I think it is Friday's Keith Olbermann show on MSNBC. I transcribed some of the best lines:

Olbermann: And how did we miss this, the simple, apparent irony of it. In that nine-minute excerpt of the Governor, the words "How Obama Got Elected" are plastered over it, with part of the answer right there before our eyes.

Olbermann: Does it seem like she knows what the word "context" actually means?
Comedian Paul F. Tompkins: She might have a grasp of the idea of context, but actually not how to use it in context.

Tompkins: It's only exploitation if it gets results. Like, say, if you talk about how great family values are, and then you trot your family out, and people actually start talking about your family, and then you get upset about it. That kind of exploitation.

Olbermann and Tompkins go on to discuss my favorite example of Palin's lack of situational awareness, the turkey video. Tompkins:

I think that she's probably the only person that, when she saw this footage, said "Yes! That is the perfect metaphor for me and the media. They want to just grind me up, so they can feed themselves. And just like that turkey, that turkey agreed to be penned, caught and slaughtered, just like I agreed to be interviewed."


  1. I think she knew exactly what she was doing with the turkey slaughter. It was pretty obvious she knew they were doing it ..she turned once and looked and had to have known...

    She is a case..and Ziegler is just as bad..they make a good pair.. Linda has a good one over at Celtic Diva... and in the comments someone found a TLC Dating program with Ziegler on it...pretty funny commentary about it. I wrote it up in my blog

  2. Oh the turkey slaughter....hehe, that was a direct threat to all her "enemy's" I'm baaaaach! Here what will happen to you if you cross me!
    Probably aimed at all the "scary bloggers" out there....
    OMG! she is on piece of work.....
