Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mt. Redoubt Rumbling

Information is available at the Alaska Volcano Observatory.


  1. YOW!

    That have anything to do with the quaking on SAturday? I HEARD that thing for comming at us for about 15 secondes before it hit. Man.
    Thanks for the interesting link.

  2. Absolutely WOW! That's an impressive steam cloud. It's amazing what fascinating cloud shapes the upper winds produce.

    My husband and I were out for a scenic drive back in 1980 when Mt. St. Helens erupted -- I remember sitting in the passenger seat of our car looking over my right shoulder behind us, and seeing this HUGE gray cloud in the sky high overhead. The ash plume had by that time spread from SW Washington state over the Cascades and over Yakima. There was ash alongside the roads everywhere for years afterward.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that you folks up there don't have such a massive eruption -- steam plumes are harmless compared to that.
