Thursday, January 15, 2009

Joe the Plumber Strikes Back at the Media Again

America's two favorite larger-than-life, plastic action figures, Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber, have both been lashing out at the media this past week. Here's Joe's latest brilliant, rapier-like response to being misrepresented for his views:


  1. That's horrible that the media is driven by an insidious agenda and just reports casualties. We shouldn't focus on the fact that around a thousand Palestinians have been killed! Let's keep cheering for the Israeli military.

  2. He just keeps spewing stupidity. He can try to keep being good but I don't think he will make it. I think Rick Sanchez hit the nail on the head, and I really don't like giving him a lot of credit either, because he is a little bit of a sensationalist himself.
