Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome to Planet Earth, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston

At least Bristol and Levi's baby, full of his parents' hopes for the future, gets to be born in a safe, clean, well-equipped hospital. Unlike the hospitals in Gaza:

What Hamas does is often reprehensible, criminal and idiotic. The same can be said of the government of Israel. What is going on now is a terrible case in point.

Here's a group of Israeli settlers shooting Palestinians in Hebron on December 15th:


  1. I do not understand the link between Palin's grandchild and Gaza hospitals. What is going on in Gaza is very complex, and I am afraid that we don't always get an honest account of what is going on. I find it simplistic and offensive to link Palin's grand child to this sad war. As a Jew,the daughter of a Holocaust survivor,and as a pacifist , I am sad that Israel feels it has to resort to violence, but I also know what happened when Jews DID NOT defend themselves. I do not know the answer, but I think your youtube video does not show balance. I guess what I am saying is that the Palin reference trivializes the gravity of the Gaza events.

  2. Sorry, Jessica. The point I as attempting to make is that Tripp gets a hospital that is safe; nobody in Gaza does.

    I rarely write about events in Palestine/Israel here. But I do elsewhere. I posted this at Daily Kos yesterday:

  3. The biggest terrorist state in the world, backed by the United States, is Israel. AND...their crimes are forever shrouded by the holocaust. If anyone questions Israel or calls them out on their senseless acts of war and aggression, well...they're just anti-semitic. It's pathetic. Or the comment above can weave the historic lies that have been sold on 'what happens when Israel doesn't defend itself' as a pathetic attempt to justify Israeli Terrorism. Perhaps someday, we'll elect someone with the kahunas to cut the funding off to ALL terrorist states...especially Israel.

  4. I don't fully understand the complexities of the middle east.

    But I do believe Israel has a right to defend itself. I also agree that there are problems on the Israeli side of the conflict as well.

    That area will always be in turmoil with or without Israel or the US.

  5. WAKE UP! Israel are the warmongers. While Israel certainly has the right to defend itself-AND NOT THAT ZIONIST NEOCON PREMPTIVE ATTACK DEFENSE BULLSHIT-Palistinians have every right to defend themselves against a US Backed Goliath like Israel too...or is that not ok???

  6. I wish everybody in the world a safe, clean, well-equipped hospital to go to, whether they be rich, poor, Israeli, Palestinian, Republican, Democratic, Independent, smart, stupid, mean, nice, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Taliban, peaceful, or aggressive.

    I appreciate Anonymous' comment, "I don't really understand the complexities of the Middle East."

    Anybody thinks that one side is BLACK (bad, aggressive, pre emptive, etc.) and the other side is WHITE (good, innocent, pure) is fooling themselves.


  7. Thanks, Jessica. There is an excellent diary up at Daily Kos right now that is the most positive post I have encountered about this ongoing tragedy. It is called Stop Starting Arguments. Start Stopping Suffering.
