Monday, December 1, 2008

Walt Monegan to Speak at Open Meeting at UAA on Wednesday

From the University of Alaska Anchorage Green and Gold Daily electronic broadsheet:

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1 p.m.
Professional Studies Building (PSB), Room 158

The former commissioner of public safety for Alaska and Anchorage's former police chief, Walt Monegan, will be the guest speaker at the Department of Journalism and Public Communication's monthly Brown Bag Lunch on Dec. 3. Monegan will discuss events that thrust him into the national spotlight after he was dismissed from Governor Sarah Palin's administration.


  1. Are any bloggers going to this? I just can't imagine the news covering this very well or asking any pointed questions.
    It seems with actions like this Monegan is begging the Legislature to do SOMETHING!

  2. I hope to be there. I can walk from my office.
