Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today's Baghdad Shoe Throwing Incident

An Iraqi Newsman, named Muntazer al-Zaidi from Al-Baghdadia channel which broadcasts from Cairo, reacted to something President George W. Bush said earlier today, at a joint press appearance he was making with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki:

Here's the shoe toss:


  1. Hell yeah! If only Bush hadn't seen it coming, it was so accurate!

  2. Here is the video:

  3. Wonderful, another guy with a great arm that the Yankees will probably try to sign.

  4. ...if only our own members of the press would have shown Bush the same level of contempt.

  5. "Hell yeah?!" So let me get this straight: You actually want physical harm inflicted on President Bush. Sick. You're probably the one who firebombed Palin's church.

    Thank God for our military who fight everyday to protect your right to be an idiot.

  6. In Iraq when you're too pissed to contain your rage but not so pissed that you'd assault the cause of your problem, you throw your shoes thereby show the bottom of your feet.

    What would you do here in the US?

    Pie in the face like they did to the war-mongering, divisive, Palin-loving wing nut, Bill Kristol?

  7. Hell Yeah!!! George Bush is a mass murderer in most of the world's view, a black eye or split lip wouldn't begin to right the wrongs this administration, and the dimwits like you for supporting him, has committed against Iraq.

    I support the troops by paying attention; by supporting politicians who consistently vote for veteran's benefits, and by not supporting politicians with ties to oil and defense industries who want to start wars on manipulated intelligence in oil rich nations.

    I also support the troops by not buying into phony nationalistic arguments like, the troops are over there protecting our freedoms. What, Al Qieda came over a tore up all copies of our Constitution somehow? The troops are over there because our corrupt and criminal commander in chief directed them to. We cannot have a strong national defense any other way. It is the responsibility of the citizenry to ensure that our military men and women are being sent to fight for a cause that is just and legitimate.

    Too bad you failed on that front and are too stupid or too proud to admit your wrong and keep more soldiers from dying in the ill begotten occupation.

    Thank God all you want, but if you stand behind GW, your no better than the terrorists who committed 911.

    I support the troops. You support covering your own ass.

  8. anon w/o courage @ #5 - Before we invaded Iraq with no legal justification, they had the highest female high school and college graduation rate in the middle east, outside of Israel. Now their attendance rate in these institutions is almost as low as Afghanistan - another of our great successes for women.

    Before we invaded Iraq, Christian men and women served in the secular government, and travelled the country unharmed. Now about 90% of Iraqi Christians are either dead, out of the country or refugees.

    Before we started bombing Iraq in 1991, their public health infrastructure was even better than Israel's. Now it is a total shambles.

    Both Saddam's attack on Iran and the Kuwait invasion were encouraged by the US government. Precursors for their chemical weapons were sold to them by US companies, among others.

    Ronald Reagan vetoed an attempt by Democrats in 1986 to place sanctions upon Iraq that would have kept them from building chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

    Since March, 2003, we have been responsible for the deaths of just short of 1.3 million Iraqis.

    I could go on, but in light of this, I can't equate the reporter's rage with "assault."

  9. Neil: Pie in the face? Yeah. THAT'S effective... Good luck with that. What would I do here in the U.S.? Oh, I don't know... maybe WRITE AN OPINION PIECE ABOUT WHY I'M UPSET! The guy's a reporter! His words get published in a newspaper and the internet! Now, thanks to President Bush, he can criticize his own government and attack our President - even attempt to physically assault him! - and not have his family slaughtered and left in pieces in front of his house and then be killed himself. Which is EXACTLY what happened to dissenting voices under Saddam. Of course, nobody here talks ill of him of the kind of butcher, literally, he was. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SHOE!

    No, Baja. They didn't tear up our Constitution, they just flew planes full of innocent people into buildings full of innocent people. (Forgot about that minor little footnote in our history, didn't you?) Kind of hard to appreciate our Constitution when you've been vaporized.

    And Phillip: Spare me. There have been over a million prople found in mass graves since we liberated Iraq. Women were raped by the thousands while their husbands and children were forced to watch and then killed. Oh, and then there was the little matter of the 50,000 Iraqis intentionally killed by Saddam's own chemical weapons in the south. Quite the little paradise he had there. Wish you were there to see it. I was.

    And yep, when someone that holds an opposing view from you people gets their OCCUPIED church firebombed, I'll be anonymous...

  10. anonymous at number nine,

    You are deeply challenged when it comes to presenting facts. Look harder for real honesty, my friend. I hope you find it.

  11. Ah Phil, not to get technical or anything like that, but here is a bit of advise for ya:

    You are deeply challenged when it comes to presenting facts. Look harder for real honesty, my friend. I hope you find it.

  12. Anon #9
    There is no doubt that Saddam and his crew were brutes who committed despicable acts and he should have been removed. But when you adopt the methods of the tyrant, you become the tyrant. We are better than that.

  13. Anon #12: Ah... "Brutes." Well, at least we got that much out of you. Exactly what tyrannical "methods" have we adopted? Where are all the Americans in mass graves? Where have chemical weapons been used on our own soil and where are all the victims? Where are the sabatoged water-treatment plants cutting off whole cities from clean water? Where is the military in America forcefully taking young men off street corners and out of their homes to serve in the Army? Where are the rape facilities run by our leadership? Why did American soldiers who liberated Abu Ghraib find wood chippers and plastic shredding machines when they arrived? There isn't any wood to chip in that part of the country. What, or more to the point: WHO, do you think the Baathists were running through those machines? Sorry. Taking someone prisoner off of the battlefield and putting underwear on their head or making someone only think they're drowning dosen't even begin to compare...

    Not knowing his new-found freedom, the reporter who threw his shoes probably expected to die right then and there. Dosen't President Bush get the teeniest weeniest amount of credit for ensuring that the man is alive and well and able to continue his new-found freedom of speech? Sure, he's being held pending legal proceedings, but so would any of us who engaged in the same act...

  14. Anonymous,

    The reporter who threw his shoes was making a symbolic statement.

    If you are going to credit Bush for making it possible then at least credit the man for taking advantage of it.

    Apparently, a lot of people in this guys families were killed in the war and the violence during the occupation.

    He was beaten badly after his arrest.

    Apparently, throwing your shoes at someone in Iraq is not the same sign of respect it is here.

  15. Cheney cops to war crimes. Watch.
