Monday, November 10, 2008

Saradise Lost - Book 2 - Chapter 7 -- "Palin" Makes the Dictionary

From the Urban Dictionary:


Definition 1:

1. An applicant lacking even basic job skills
2. Someone supremely un-self-aware or lacking any relative sense of what he/she does or doesn't know.

HR sent me another Palin for the marketing manager job.

Definition 2:

(v) to abandon one's principles for short term gain

Tom, a devout vegan, palined when he consumed a happy meal solely to obtain the collectible toy it contained.

Definition 3:


1. Pejorative term that refers to an incompetent, impractical, irrelevant or incapable person who has been appointed to a position of great importance.

2. A person who holds authority disproportionate to his or her requisite ethics and qualifications. Derived from John McCain's controversial 2008 Vice Presidential pick, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

John was recently made principal, but everybody thinks he's a Palin who can't do the job.

My new boss is such a Palin - he took my deserved place because the CEO is his personal friend.

Update from the comments:

"My English teacher actually redlined something on a paper and made a nasty comment about a "Palinesque" sentence. It was a run-on, but that was uncalled-for."


  1. Here in the Northeast (described as the "great Northwest" by Palin when she last visited), we are already weeks into common usage of the term "Palin moment" to describe a floundering and utterly inept act or response.

  2. Here in Queensland we've taken to calling small annoyances "a Palin the arse"


  3. My English teacher actually redlined something on a paper and made a nasty comment about a "Palinesque" sentence. It was a run-on, but that was uncalled-for.

  4. With regards to definition 2, I don't think Palin did abandon her principles - that's what makes her so damned scary.

  5. I'm shocked the definition does not include that very important element that the Palin job candidate was hand-picked by Bill Kristol?
