Thursday, November 6, 2008

An Open Letter to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

Dear Governor Palin,

Welcome back to Alaska. As you've already commented, there is a lot of work to be done here. Listening to your interview at the airport yesterday evening, it seems you've already mostly dropped the Prairie Home Companion accent you acquired for the presidential campaign. I hope you've left a lot of the other stuff you acquired during the campaign behind, too.

I hope you plan on holding a free-ranging, open-ended press conference very soon. I hope you invite any press that can make it there to attend. Including Alaska and Outside bloggers. Your candidacy brought Alaska into the national and international spotlight more than any event in our history, including the ongoing Corrupt Bastards trials, the Great Alaska Earthquake, and the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Hundreds of journalists came to Alaska from all over the world. Perhaps, including their supporting team members, they numbered almost a thousand. Some revisited old stories about your political history. Others brought out new information. Overall, their coverage of your improbable rise from Wasilla Planning Commission member to U.S. vice presidential candidate, helped a nation and world understand why you were so thoroughly unfit to be such a candidate. That information, combined with your thorough ineptness on the campaign trail, have made you the biggest political laughingstock of the 21st century.

There are many unanswered questions resulting from investigations into your official conduct, and from your unavailability to answer them in a meaningful way. Before you were selected to be Senator John McCain's running mate, I thought you to be a competent Governor of Alaska. But that selection, which I felt to be inappropriate from first thought, and your conduct on the campaign trail, have led me and tens of thousands of other Alaskans to re-think our earlier, favorable impression of you as Governor.

From your airport comments last night, it almost seems like you expect Alaskans to shoulder the burden of accepting a new Sarah Palin. I take exception to your notion. It is you, Madam Governor, who needs to shoulder the burden of explaining the new, more detailed version of Sarah Palin that has emerged in history.


Philip Munger


  1. Lest we get ahead of ourselves, we are still very much in the middle of an election here. With somewhere between 50,000 and 70,000 votes yet to be counted, the Republican regime currently responsible for counting our votes must be held to that singular task. Given that the festering rot that lives within the Alaska Republican party has yet to be flushed away and is still in a position of power, do not assume they will comply with their constitutional duties on their own recognizance. Imagine they already know the early and absentee votes are heavily weighted to the Democratic vote; now imagine they craft some way of inflating the already counted numbers and just throw away the uncounted ones. You think that is far fetched? Look at the 2004 election and tell me what the Republican led Division of Elections said about how many of us voted. That's right; they can't because they fucked that up either intentionally or out of willful ignorance. EVERY VOTE COUNTS SO COUNT EVERY VOTE (ONCE).

  2. you're right, but I've already written about that and intend to write about it every day until all the votes are counted and any anomalies accounted for.

  3. I'm not from Alaska but I've visited your beautiful state. I hope your voters are gearing up to get rid of Palin once and for all, and I hope if Stevens wins, at least an honest replacement can be elected.

    I can only imagine how embarrassed you must be of Palin. I'm from Alabama and for too many years we suffered the embarrassment of George Wallace. Alabama voted red again, but blue voters are making strides and even elected a congressman in my district after a nasty campaign very much like the mud Palin was slinging against Obama.

    Best to all of you in our beautiful 49th state.

  4. She will pretend it never happened. If Caribou Barbie doesn't like the question, she takes a drink of her Kool-Aid and moves on,just like that dumbass Linda Menard who Valley residents stupidly elected.

  5. "if Stevens wins, at least an honest replacement can be elected."

    If Stevens wins and a new election is held, one of the most likely winners will be Gov Palin herself as a US Senator. Get used to it.

  6. "It was through the envy of satan that sin entered the world." It was through envy that Cain killed his brother Abel. It was through envy that his brother's contrived Joseph's deportation. It was because he was bigger than envy that Joseph received them back and spared their lives. To an outside observer, your problem with Sarah Palin is IN your mind. Why don't you just admit that you are full of envy? Truly, it's not so hard; and when you do admit it and let go of it, you'll be delightfully happy once again. You're surely not happy now, as all the venom from your soul attests. Really, fellow Americans, let's move on. And thank God that He bestows His gifts according to His Wisdom and not ours. Thank you, Governor Palin, for giving it your best. You did exceptionally well. And God bless us all.


  8. Have you people that don't believe in God ever thought about the slightest possiblity that there really is a God? Your slander is atrocious!

  9. Face it Phil, there is something mentally unbalanced about you.
    When Palin became the Gov. she didn't think any differently but you referred to her very kindly. Now you are on the attack like you have rabies.
    A bit like the fruitcakes from Georgetown PeeU that were screeching outside the White House like escaped psychos on the night the Kenyan "won" the election.


  10. I cannot believe most of these people that get a "thrill" from slamming Sarah Palin. For 1 thing she brought so much energy into a slowly fading McCain Campaign. I don't know about all you Alaskins, but The majority of us folks in the lower 48th think she is Fantastic and that she should try again in 4 years. If not for the number 1 spot but another Veep spot with Rudy or Mitt Romney.

  11. Palin is a real energy booster and so great .. She will be the next president of the world's most powerful nation. Just watch and see.You are envious of her ... stop feeling bitter .. Palin made ALASKA famous ok. believe it or not . Stop crying nonsense ..

  12. Palin is a pathetic liar. Palin made Alaska famous. Yes more corruption including her, with ted, young. She has to pay for all that she is doing soon- karma!

  13. There are things that make me question the ethics and judgement of Sarah Palin, but one that is well known was the sight of her dancing along to a (self)demeaning rap song on Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update”. It was undignified. I cannot imagine putting aside respect for myself and my family for a chance that the people watching might "like" me a little better and vote for me. Where is her integrity? What else would she be willing sell out on in order to achieve her goals? I'm sad she got so much attention. There are so many women who are more serious, better informed, more self-aware, better spoken, more inspiring...
    Janet in Maryland
