Friday, November 7, 2008

Joe The Plumber - Version 2.0

The problem:

The solution:


  1. So he's a warmonger. Why don't we throw all warmongers out of government- perhaps even Barack Obama. Lieberman may have gone "rogue" but he's still ideologically a Democrat and he may as well stay in their caucus.

  2. Hey, peter!

    I'd like to think we weigh Joe's effectiveness against his obstruction. And I'm not sure many Democratic party feminists outside the DC beltway crowd would agree about his ideology. That's why they call him "rape gurney Joe."

  3. The Senate doesn't need Joe anymore. He is an imposter. Let him go to the dark side and not sit in anymore democratic meetings. He's more of a liability than an asset.

    Whatever the total # of Dems ends up being the the senate, we will still have enough of a majority to make positive changes.

    America has shifted left in these last two elections. The young voters are the ones that made the differance. Statistically these young voters will continue to vote democratic. We should be able to retain power if we protect the integrity of the vote. If the dems can expose the remaining repub Senators for being corporate lap dogs, we can vote out a few more in 2010 and 2012.

  4. Joe Lieberman, goddamn him, still has more integrity than all the Democrats who supported the war originally solely for political reasons and switched only when those winds changed. Yes, get rid of Joe, but get rid of Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the corporate capitulating crowd who are pretending to be progressives while giving private sector pork priority over everything that matters.

  5. I thought you "master race" types were more into a more final solution? I guess putting Joe to work cleaning your shitters before you stuff him in an oven is fairly productive...
