Monday, November 3, 2008

Don Young Supporters Can't Avoid Sliming Ethan Berkowitz

Maia at own the sidewalk, Linda at Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis and Steve at what do I know? all commented yesterday about the sleazy one-page flyers being left on doorsteps and doorknobs around Anchorage over the weekend. They appear to be printed at an Anchorage GOP whacko named Joe Law, at his printing company, Nenana Creative Arts.

Creative, indeed. The place is capable of printing great stuff. The flyer, though, looks cheap and - as noted - sleazy. It is also very misleading. It fails to note that since 2000, Don Young has received 116 times as much money from Veco as did Berkowitz.

Linda relates how guiltily and furtively the flyer distributors were, when confronted:

There were many almost-laughable problems with the flyer. However, the bottom of the flyer claimed that it was paid for by "Alaskans for Clean Elections." That was their biggest mistake as Michelle Meyers was going to be FURIOUS that someone was claiming that she paid for anything like this! (I would never want her mad at me...she's tenacious!)

So I called her and what a surprise! She was already in my neighborhood looking for the culprit and threatening legal action!

I gave her the information my daughter and the other kids in the neighborhood had recounted...that there were two guys walking around putting these flyers on all the doors in the neighborhood. I also offered my help, which she accepted, so I jumped in my truck and started searching the neighborhood. I love playing 007!

As it turned out, Michelle found one of the guys. After she explained to him that she would call the police because the flyers were slanderous, the man said that he was given the flyers to put on the doors in our Joe Law, owner of "Nenana Creative Arts," a printer in town.

As of Sunday evening, Joe the Slime Publisher hadn't returned any of several calls from people investigating the provenance of these flyers.

This flyer flap didn't surprise me. Don Young has always resorted to creating lies about his opponents in a close race. In 1990 and 1992, the lies worked. In 2008, they won't. Don gets voted out of office tomorrow.

I predict Ethan Berkowitz will beat Young by over 20,000 votes. Don will finally have to raise money for his legal fees honestly. We'll see how that goes...

Does anyone have information on how many legislative districts and towns are seeing this flyer or other versions of Don Young slime show up on their doorsteps?

1 comment:

  1. Phill,
    annoy-Mouse here.

    Dig a little deeper into "joe law". The business licence address is listed for Anderson Alaska. Could it be that 'joe law' is a deadbeat dad-attorney from that roadside town named in the business? humm one can only ponder how well deadbeat dad-attorney can hide so well.

    Dig a little deeper and you'll find a former Nenana residents in cohorts to avoid CSED responsibilities.

    Don't ya just love deadbeat dads that are also lawyers... they hide so well.

    and I ain't saying anymore about this....

    oh yeah, your still a classless Alaskan jerk for justifing victimization of a teen mother.
