Friday, November 7, 2008

Begich-Stevens Race Update Nov 7th

Here’s the latest on the Alaska Senate Race:

According to the Division of Elections, there are now 81,000 ballots outstanding that need to be counted. This accounts for more that a quarter of the total votes.

Also today, the Division of Elections said they’d count about 2/3 of the ballots (absentee and early) next Wednesday. Questioned ballots aren’t likely to be counted until the end of next week or even the beginning of the following week. Based on data from the Division of Elections, Begich is leading Senator Ted Stevens in the early votes which have been counted – 59% to 37%. However, there will be enough question ballots left after Wednesday’s count for the race to still go either way.


Bethany Lesser


  1. When I did the math, Begich only needed something like 52% of the early/absentee/questioned votes to cover the current spread. The fact that he's been pulling nearly 60% is promising. It'll be a slim win, either way. Anyone have any information on the state's process of auditing the returns? I vaguely recall a requirement to randomly sample and confirm by hand-count 1% of the precincts statewide. Any info along those lines, so we can be sure that the machine count actually represents the will of the voters?


  2. I believe it will be close enough that a hand count of all ballots will end up being done. There is enough national interest in this unfolding process that the AK Dems will get financial help from the national organization if we need it.

  3. A very close eye has to be kept on the situation and I agree the DNC I'm sure can help out.

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