Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Tribute to Andrew Halcro

Progressive Alaska began during the first week of November, 2007. From time to time, I've considered finding a category under which Andrew Halcro's important blog should be listed.

After reading Andrew's important analysis of Todd Palin's statement for the Branchflower Investigation, I've come to the concluson that Halcro's blog should be listed at PA.

Also, I've been encouraged by a number of people to move Robert Dillon's site, An Alaskan Abroad, from the Progressive Alaska bloggers category to somewhere else. And, back during re-structuring in late April, 2008, I moved KUDO-AM from the Progressive Alaska media niche to the Mainstream Alaska media category, where it doesn't really fit.

I was about to move KUDO back to the progressive media category last week, when I was dropped from a call-in to Carrie Carrigan's show, after I uttered two words that can get you dropped at that station. No, it wasn't a string of four-letter words. It wasn't the word "fire!" in a crowded building. It was a name - "Shannyn Moore." My line went dead........

So, PA has a new category, folks: Important Alaskan Sites - Not Necessarily Progressive.

Back to Andrew Halcro. He's done important work, especially on the issues being addressed by the Branchflower Commission. And his AM Radio talk show has far more civility in it than any other non-progressive local AM radio call-in program.


  1. Oh vomit !
    If there was ever a past elected public official who needed mental fortitude, that would be Andy.

    My teenage kid asks why Andy appears so self-involved, self-important and self-absorbed...

  2. Civility alone earns a listen this season.

  3. the 'not necessarily progressive' ought to apply to us (Anchorage Press) as well; outside of my incessant criticism of Palin's VP bid, we make an effort to stay a course down the center (no matter what our personal politics may be). I was the last reporter to spend significant time with Ted Stevens prior to him flying to DC for the trial, and I'll be spending a lot of time with Don Young over the next week and a half (as well as Ethan Berkowitz) for the pre-election profiles I'm writing. We also don't endorse candidates, and what few op-eds we've run have been as much from Republicans like Halcro and Wev Shea as from Democrats like Les Gara and Johnny Ellis. (Plus I'm doing the Halcro show this afternoon, and Fagan's tv show tomorrow, so we're definitely not pandering to the left.)

    cheers - Brendan

  4. Brendan,

    I'll take that under advisement, but the overall impact of the Press tends to be more liberal and progressive than you seem to characterize. The stories on the down-and-out in Anchorage and Alaska, over the years, and recently, alone show that the paper has the courage to go into aspects of Alaska that are often neglected by the MSM here.

    Additionally, when the Press gets into looking at how society doesn't work in Alaska for some people, the tone of the articles is certainly progressive, in most cases.

  5. Why not ditch the KUDO link altogether? CC has done some good stuff lately, but there is nothing on the website that is useful except maybe the listen live button, that doesn't work half the time since they outsourced their web stuff.

    They have done more to hurt the progressive cause in this state by firing Shannyn and Aaron than they will ever do to help it again.

  6. Andrew Halcro is a hero.

  7. Maybe you should add Dan Fagan and the Mark & Bob programs to the "progressive" column now that Shannon is a regular "host", I mean guest on these two programs.

  8. it's interesting, the level of discomfort, on both sides, about being identified as a fringe idelogue. what's so scary about that?
    c'mon brendan -- embrace your inner DFH. you guys are about as republican as mother jones and the nation. just deal with it.
    and philip -- i have an idea that would eliminate your dilemmas. just do away with the categories that the sites don't pigeonhole neatly into. just one big list. you could include a short description after the name of the site, perhaps.

  9. anon @ #7 - Shannyn Moore has raised national attention to Palin's serious flaws as well as has any Alaskan. Her essay, "Life Begins at Rape," was taken up by Outside bloggers, as the centerpiece in efforts that have now brought in about $1,000,000 for Planned Parenthood nationwide, and a few thousand bucks in Alaska.

    I'd venture to guess, anon, that you aren't a single woman raising a child on your own, choosing to stay in radio media in Anchorage, because you believe progressive voices there have a claim on our future, eh?

    To diss Moore at this time in Alaska history for the petty reasons you bring to the comments here, shows how shallow your thinking on the future of liberal and progressive ideas advancing here is. And petty, too.

    Stop nitpicking, man, and help us unite to get our voices out to the state, the nation and the world. Please!

  10. Maybe you should move Fagan from the Fat, Lazy Blowhard column to the Progressive column as he had Shannon on again yesterday.
