Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sarah Palin Addresses GOP Crowd at the Carson, CA Home Depot - Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gov. Palin's reference to former Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, is sort of weird. What does she mean? I'm not sure...



    In parts, in case addy is truncated

    Fact check: Sarah Palin on her tax record as Wasilla mayor
    OT but I just found this.

  2. Well, this is all over the news cycle...with one very important correction...Ms. Albright said help...not support.

    For the record, Sarah you were helped...think Susan B. Anthony, Title IX, the ability to own property, have a career/job, have choices/options..

    And this old gal does not support you and the person you have become...And that is my right, my choice and my option...

  3. A month later, I still can not believe McCain selected her as his running mate.


  4. Albright responded to Palin's remarks in a statement to the Huffington Post on Sunday. "Though I am flattered that Governor Palin has chosen to cite me as a source of wisdom, what I said had nothing to do with politics. This is yet another example of McCain and Palin distorting the truth, and all the more reason to remember that this campaign is not about gender, it is about which candidate has an agenda that will improve the lives of all Americans, including women. The truth is, if you care about the status of women in our society and in our troubled economy, the best choice by far is Obama-Biden."

  5. While potty-mouth Palin is trying to draw attention in the other direction, one of the Michigan offices closed by the McCain campaign was the regional Midwest office which coordinated campaign activities in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. Michigan has the worst economic conditions of any state at this point, and McCain has abandoned them.

    Also be aware that while spewing their negative garbage, the McCain campaign is planning on using home foreclosure lists in Michigan and Ohio to challenge registered voters, claiming changed residency. Approximately 5% of homes in Ohio are currently in foreclosure proceedings.

  6. Governor Palin's vomitous bile had nothing to do with Ms. Albright and everything to do with her self perceived and proclaimed mission from God. She says her receiving the quote was "providnetial", as in resulting from divine providence, or as a gift from God. Of course, the quote is about The Hell, not the figurative one we are all enduring this political season. That is what, I am sure, made such a big impression on the Governor. She twists the meaning of the quote in such a way as to send a warning to women that if they do not vote for her, they will go to Hell. There are many other places where you can read the overt implications of what this statement ultimately means coming from an evangelical zealot, but the short version is, if you are deemed to be on the way to Hell anyway it's not a sin for good Christians to send you there sooner rather than later, and to carry out any and all manner of atrocities on your sorry hell-bound ass in the meantime. This pablum comes from a Governor who has abandoned her people back here at home, betrayed their trust so openly and brazenly, and made herself a traitor to the very people who raised her up to a position of leadership. The Governor should read more books; Dante says the lowest level of hell where Satan resides is reserved for the betrayors. It is a cold place. Ironic.

  7. she is a complete and utter mess, and this is simply our latest proof...

    are you going to post the keating 5 documentary (or it's trailer w/ a link) on your blog? it goes live on the internet @ noon eastern and i think it will add an interesting shade to the campaigning. personally, i have been waiting for them to bring it up since the economic crisis came to a head, then add to that both mccain and palin's tax issues, well... enough said.

    anyway, if you are interested in viewing it, the link is:

    thanks again for all your hard work. :)

  8. How much was she paid by Starbucks to mention it twice in 2 minutes?

  9. Wow, if you are going to post a link to a video, here is one from rolling stone...It recaps the 10 page article on MM/MaverickMcCain

  10. Must have something to do with ex-presidents and rape or cultures that have a bad habit of not letting their women drive or show skin.
    You know...!
    Those things left wing women don't seem to mind just as long as everyone stays out of THEIR uterus.

  11. For the record, the Starbucks quote from Madeline A. is:
    "There is a place in hell for women who do not HELP other women."
    Poor Pay Pay got that wrong too.
    There is a place in hell for people who do not tell the truth though...
