Thursday, October 16, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four -- This Ran Briefly in the D.C. Market Last Night

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  1. Now this is funny. If you are an elitist snob who knows anything at all about Latin.

    Maureen Dowd sees Palin from the POV of the Roman Forum

  2. We need to get this out:

    "Sarah Palin: Fiscal Conservative?"

    She's anything but. She doesn't understand even basic economics.

  3. Yeah, everyone that has an abortion was raped. It wasn't because they were too lazy to use protection or better yet keep their legs together. Aren't you over sexed bunch afraid of diseases? I never hear you talking about how many kids (especially girls) have some nasty disease they will have to live with all their lives. By gawd though don't take away your birth mean abortion.

  4. To anonymous:

    Maybe if people were educated about how to properly use birth control and it was widely available, we could all co-exist, instead of punishing people because they don't share your religious values. Kids in abstinence only programs are just as likely to have sex as kids in comprehensive sex-ed, but are less likely to use birth control because of misinformation and propaganda spread through abstinence only programs. So, by supporting abstinence only programs (which is what I'm getting from your comment), you want kids to get diseases and you're being actively harmful to kids. Thanks!
