Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred-Forty-Seven -- KKK Endorses McPalin

I did some checking. This appears to be genuine. It qualifies as a non-endorsement endorsement.

Along with today's announcement that the McPalin ticket is preferred by Al Qaeda, it appears that rogue endorsements for the GOP presidential duo are in vogue. Perhaps it is their "maverickiness" that drew both the KKK and Al Qaeda to McPalin. Gotta hand it to John McCain and Sarah Palin - if both the KKK and Al Qaeda love them, this presidential team qualify as "uniters" on an unprecedented level in American politics.


  1. That is unfortunate she was endorsed by the KKK, she didn't need that. Their campaign has stalled out a bit, but I think they will make this close over the next few weeks.
