Friday, October 10, 2008

Either Walt Monegan is Lying or Todd Palin Is -- Will We Find Out Today Which One?

The first Alaska policeman Sarah Palin had serve at her pleasure was Irl Stambaugh, one of the finest police officers I've had the honor to work with. She didn't trust him. She got rid of him.

The next police officer to serve at her pleasure ended Stambuagh's and former Wasilla mayor John Stein's policy of funding all criminal investigations done by the WPD, by cutting funding for forensic examinations of sexual assault victims out of the WPD budget.

Sarah Palin trusted Charlie Fannon, Stambuagh's replacement, at least when it came to working for her. When he got in the way of her political ambitions, though, in his run for Matanuska-Susitna Borough Mayor, Sarah had second thoughts.

The next public safety chief to serve under her pleasure was Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.
She didn't trust him. She got rid of him.

The next public safety chief to serve under her pleasure was Chuck Kopp.
He failed most tests, and within a couple of weeks, she got rid of him. At last Chuck got a payoff.

The next public safety chief to serve under her pleasure is, uh, he's, uh........ Is anybody surprised this guy keeps a low profile?

This morning, one of Alaska's most respected legal experts, Steven Branchflower, is expected to issue the report that has resulted from a 12 to zero recommendation by the Alaska State Legislature's bipartisan Legislative Council, to determine whether or not Monegan's removal as commissioner was biased or violated Alaska statutes or administrative policy.

We'll see by late Friday, whether or not the McCain-Palin "Truth Squad" can somehow keep the public from knowing the results of Branchflower's efforts.
Today may be a day that goes down, etched in dog lipstick somewhere, in Alaska history.

One question I haven't seen asked yet - maybe I missed it - is, "What has Todd's role been in these continued bad relationships with chiefs of pubic safety entities under Palin family control?"


  1. Is it customary up there in Alaska to bring your husband to work with you? Is it two for the price of one up there? In my dictionary that sort of practice is called nepotism.

  2. I think it's only nepotism if it is a paying position.

    I am trying to figure out how this works. I don't like that His Toddness is being consulted with in so many aspects of government, but if we hear of an occasional male politicians who admits to talking everything with his wife, we only admire their marriage for it and envy the wife for being so honored.

    I think that with Palin's religious leanings I am uneasy with it because I wonder who ultimately makes the decisions. I worked for a fundie Christian lady who deliberately left unpopular decisions to her husband and was a passive aggressive little wench. I found it difficult to feign sorrow when their marriage broke up and he called her a mean spirited woman in the court documents, but I did because she paid well! ;) (Sorrow for sale!) Is Palin like this?

  3. Phil, great posts. One of the great things about coming to Wasilla is learning about your blog. It really cheers me up! Hey, the second Wasilla Project video is now live, here's the link:

    email me at the contact email on Wasilla Project when you get a chance, trying to set up something fun with Howard...(I think you'll like it)



  4. FYI: There's a new Wasilla Project video out.

  5. Now....what are Alaskans going to do about Ms. Stalin and her law-obstructing, subpoena-ignoring AG, Colberg???

    File papers with the Alaska Bar Assoc and IMPEACH/RECALL Palin.

  6. i heard a guy from The Nation magazine reporting on Air America [Rachel Maddow but a substitute host] from Anchorage or Wasilla about Troopergate. it was a reasonable report but he got all of the name wrong -- walt MOHAHAN, hollis SMITH, etc. it pains me to see a lot of these outside reporters being slipshod.
    i've had this reaction before... when you read a media account of something you're familiar with and they get a lot of it wrong, and you think, man! is all their reporting this way? better not believe anything i hear.
