Friday, September 5, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter Thirty-Two -- Polls and T-Shirts

Cafe Press gets right on top of any new opportunity for t-shirts, mugs, tongs, mouse pads, and so on. Here's a pro-Palin hoody for kids.

Meanwhile, a couple of national polls re fresh out, showing that the McCan-Palin ticket probably got very little bump from the Republican National Convention's SarahFest.

Here's Gallup:

Support for Obama since just before the Democratic National Convention kicked off on Aug. 25 has ranged from 44% to 50%, while McCain's support has ranged from 41% to 46%. Whereas the race was initially tied at 45%, Obama pulled into an eight-point lead at several points over the course of his convention. It now appears the Republican National Convention may be helping McCain to recoup some of his losses, though with Obama's current four-point lead, the entire convention period to this point has still been a net plus for Obama.

And their numbers:

Rep Convention
Obama 48 (49) (49)
McCain 44 (42) (43)

Dem Convention
Obama 49 (48) (45)
McCain 41 (42) (44)


Rep Convention
Obama 48 (50) (50)
McCain 46 (45) (45)

Dem Convention
Obama 49 (47) (46)
McCain 45 (47) (47)

and more analysis...

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