Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter Ninety-Seven -- Palin's Philadelphia Experiment

The McCain campaign placed Gov. Sarah Palin in Pennsylvania late last week. She was supposed to prop up the campaign, by, uh, by, uh - energizing Pennsylvania voters, who are supposed to still be upset that Obama asked difficult questions there in the weeks leading up to the Pennsylvania primary. That was supposed to be the ticket. It doesn't appear to work, as, after Palin left, Obama is now leading in Pennsylvania.

The night of the first presidential debate, Palin went to a Philly pub. Here's a YouTube of the demonstration outside, while she was inside:

While inside, she apparently made comments that undermined McCain statements in the debate about cross-border American military incursions inside of Pakistan. So, McCain and Palin had to go onto Katie Couric's show, to redeem campaign image:

What a farce....

Update - 6:40 a.m. Tuesday: from the comments, chef_the_city notes, "
it was LATER, at a philly cheesesteak stand, and she totally agreed w/ the obama stance that mccain had just pooh-poohed during the debate, not to mention she was completely at her ease (at the time) and was quite friendly w/ the voter who she later tears down and misrepresents.


  1. Would you please excuse my english.
    I live in France and I'm following the American elections, as every french people, with preoccupations. Your blog contribute to think that the USA has still thinking people. When we listen to the maybe future vice president of America, we really have to be affraid.

    Thank you and don't stop your action.

  2. Her voice is an unbearable stupid shriek!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. no... it was LATER, at a philly cheesesteak stand, and she totally agreed w/ the obama stance that mccain had just pooh-poohed during the debate, not to mention she was completely at her ease (at the time) and was quite friendly w/ the voter who she later tears down and misrepresents.

    ...gonna see if i can find a link brb.

    ok, if this link
    doesn't work, go to countdown.msnbc.com. the vid i am talking about is contained in monday's #3 entitled "palin defects to obama's foreign policy stance".

    and pls don't take my comments as criticism b/c it is def not, i just wanted to share the true horror she caused her own campaign LOL... i love your blog and i value all the alaska voices that are keeping us informed on who palin REALLY is (esp you and shannyn).

  4. oh PS: wasn't it palin who volunteered for 'stump the candidate' not too long ago...?

    mission accomplished LMAO. =))

  5. chef_the_city,

    Thanks for the clarification. I'll update later, when I have some spare time...

  6. She has to be operating on fumes. I almost feel bad for her as I think she had no idea WTF she was accepting when she accepted the nomination. If she loses, she will come back and make it look like she was part victim in this which I kind of think she is, but I don't feel sorry for her unless she has a public break down.

    As a former Sarah Fan, I wish he'd chosen Mitt Romney. I wish I could still like Sarah but I can't.

    Keep in mind though-- it's not McCain who is getting jeered, it's his attention stealing sidekick. Who's to say this isn't planned?

  7. I cant find it within me to feel sorry for Palin. When all is said and done, she has dragged the great state of Alaska...her family and her friends through the mud. How she or McCain ever envisioned that they would win this election is beyond me.

    The only way they could is if they steal the election, however I believe Americans are truly fed up...and should that happen there would be riots from coast to coast.

  8. Phil, has she always spoken like she is? Her voice is like fingernails screeching along a blackboard.
