Monday, September 8, 2008

Saradise Lost - Chapter Forty-One -- Saranomics 101

That's our ApPalin' Sarah...


  1. she needs to be locked in a windowless room with Phil Gramm for 12 hours to learn the party line on things economical

  2. Do you have a script of this? I can't hear it.

  3. What is so bad is that our 24/7 'entertainment' media gave us more than we wanted to know about Bristol's pregnacy, but something like this - dead silence.

    The media is treating this election like they did the run-up to going into Iraq - dead silence on important issues.

  4. Can someone comment on the timeline of her marriage (elopement) and the birth of her first son? Could there have been a reason for the quickie elopement?

  5. In re the CO Springs video.. who is the mafioso looking fellow behind Sarah rubbing arms with McCain?
