Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Scenes From the Egan Center - Alaska 2008 Primary Night

The 2008 Alaska Primary Race is over. I'll be writing about it later today, when I have more time. I'll make one observation now, though. Turnout, after all the hype, was lower than I expected. 20,000 less voters voted in the AK-AL race than I was hoping for. 48,056 voted in that contest in 2006. At 97% count, it is around 65,000 for that race in 2008. In that same contest, Democratic Party ticket increased about 15% over 2006. Republican Party participation in that rather close contest, was only up 11% from 2006.

And - this is rather troubling. I've been commenting about how weird it is for Ted Stevens' supporters to be using their kids as props in his campaign appearances. Well, it turns out, they are largely his grandkids, and youngsters bought (hired out) from the Covenant House. Sick....? Well, somebody in the know observed to me, "Hey - they need the work!"

Sen. Ted Stevens, from below, on KTUU set. Several people, including Republicans, commented to me how old and troubled he looks.

Linda Menard, who convinced Senate President Lyda Green to pull out of the GOP Primary race, happy with her cruise to Primary victory.

Mr. Whitekeys. I asked him if he was thinking, "WTF?" He laughed that great laugh of his, responding, "So much new material, so little time...."

Mark Begich's internet guru, Matt Browner Hamlin, back to work, after being detained in Hong Kong, for unfurling a Tibetan flag during the Summer Olympics.

Shannyn Moore trying to interview me: "Did you guys totally screw up, or what?"

David Shurtleff, Ethan Berkowitz's Communications director, and me, beginning to make up. Actually, we've been fine.

I asked Ethan Berkowitz's wife, Mara Kimmel, to pin one of her husband's campaign buttons on my lapel before I left the hall.


  1. You're a much more forgiving person than I am, Phil.

  2. the primary is over and the people have spoken. It's time for unity or we are all in trouble come november.

  3. Can't stand Linda Menard-- I'll be writing in Lyda Green's name. She is a Sarahbot.

    Do you think that if Parnell wins that a lot of conservative voters will back Ethan?

  4. linda,

    I have a responsibility as an officer of the Alaska Democrats to defeat every Republican possible in November. I take it very, very seriously. We all should.

  5. Whoo boy. Sean Parnell and Yon Dung. What a nail-biter. Oh, full disclosure: according to the ADN, I qualify as a Palinbot myseff.

  6. Phil, I understand your responsibility as an officer, and I certainly don't fault you for that at all. For myself, I just have to think about this for a while, which thankfully I've got until November to do. I'm just so very, very tired of the influence of big bucks in politics, whether D or R. I guess I just shouldn't care so much, but I do.

  7. Whadja think about the ballot measures? No right down the line, just the way I voted.

  8. Phil - I think we could assist the emergence of a very strong energy policy, one which benefits Alaska and America, from Barack Obama and Rahm Emmanuel. Ethan Berkowitz should find an explicit public role in that policy development, with Alaska as an anchor of an emerging North American energy consortium. It is a new approach, an intelligent approach, and it is way beyond anything Don Young and John McCain have ever articulated. I think Ethan's role as the sole Congressman from the oil and natural gas stronghold of the United States, and as a member of the majority party, offsets his freshman status.

  9. You really should check your facts about Ted Stevens and the children in his campaign. I think it is great his grandkids show their support for their grandfather. As far as the others, they were not hired out, many are the children of Ted's supporters, including mine.

    I am a mother who believes in his vision for Alaska to create jobs, promote a healthy and vibrant economy and create a state where my kids will want to stay. The rumor you are spreading is untrue. If you are looking to cast a shadow on employing homeless people, perhaps you should look to your friends that organized hiring homeless individuals to hold YES on 4 signs on election day. I believe in providing opportunity to those less fortunate,but it is important that you are fair and honest about your information. On both accounts you have been mistaken.

    Thank you.

  10. mom @ # 9 - Why do you think it is an important part of your child's or children's development to stick them out there forever on the internet, to be directly associated with a man who has a 95% likelihood of becoming a convicted felon within the next couple of months?

    Every time somebody does research on the trial and conviction of Ted Stevens, there will your child be. Haven't you thought of the PTSD you are about to bring that person through?

  11. Polarbear:
    Seems to me like the same exact statement could have been said about Diane Benson, AND you would have gotten a lot more for the bargain. When will Alaskans get tired of party royalty picking their candidates? Dems need to wake up.

  12. Oh, well, Diane doesn't have the "experience," doncha know? That's really about all they can come up with, as if her 54 years of very unique and extraordinary Alaskan life experience, which we are all familiar with, means nothing. Being a prosecutor and then serving 10 years in what has to be one of the most corrupt state legislatures in modern history is not experience that I'm particularly impressed with.
