Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More Ted Art!

I discovered the web site 23/6 a few weeks ago. Along with HEEB (who contacted me when I was in Seattle, hoping for an Ethan Berkowitz article from me), it is one of my daily visits now. Humor in time of war, arrogance and criminality can help us get through the day.

Anyway, here's 23/6's find, perhaps purloined from the FBI Ted files (click on it to enlarge):
hat tip to gryphen at immoral minority

1 comment:

  1. Phil-- This has nothing to do with this post but I am asking you to ask Diane what the role of a senator is. Is it to bring back money to the state from the federal government? Is it to protect the sovereignty of the state? Is it to further exploit and expand the opportunities for the state? Is the senator supposed to be a voice for the ideas of the people?

    What is the role of the senator to the nation?
