Thursday, August 28, 2008

FOX News is Totally Fucking Disgusting - Chapter 2,345

Celtic Diva took this picture of the DNC FOX News crew, during the Pledge of Allegiance at today's DNC. Here's her observation:

Typing and talking.....with their backs to the flag.


(Tipped off by Dennis Zaki, who told me he saw the same thing yesterday while CNN, MSNBC and the others stood respectfully with their hands on their hearts.)

I suppose some wingnut in the comments is gonna write, "How could Celtic Diva take that picture with her hand over her heart? What about that, huh?

"And I'm SURE they're wearing their American Flag lapel pins. Is she? They shouldn't have to stop doing their very important work, making us feel safe by making sure we're very, very scared."

Update - Thursday, 9:00 a.m:
I called Dennis this morning. He's in Denver, and it is too hot! He verified and amplified on CD's comments on FOX's boorish conduct. "Even BBC and the Spanish National TV stood up and turned toward the American flag. The only news team in the whole place that ignored it was FOX. Time after time."

He told me he couldn't see any American flag lapel pins on their shirts, blouses or coats either.

Dennis got to stand near Bill Clinton, and spoke with Rahm Emanuel about Ethan Berkowitz.


  1. I also noticed most of the Olympians I saw didn't put their hands on their hearts for the national anthem when they were on the medal podium... how horrible, right?

  2. peter - Some did. Some didn't. I saw some athletes both put their hands over their hearts and sing the Star-Spangled Banner.

    What Zaki observed was that, unlike MSNBC and CNN, the FOX folks sat. The pictures CD posted speak for themselves.

  3. I used to have my eldest at UAA's child care. Every night we'd wait for our ride at the sports center. Even though we were not in the basket ball court as spectators, if there was a game and the National Anthem was playing, we'd turn to the area and place our hands over our hearts and yes, we'd sing.

    Sometimes other would sing with us. It may sound like I was being a silly little mother, maybe an attention hound, but my daughters still do that and they are adults now. I was VERY pleased when a high school principal saw me at a parent conference and my daughter wasn't with me and she told me that she'd just come out of the bathroom during a wrestling match and our National Anthem began to play and she froze and told her friends and a couple of younger siblings who like to watch the wrestling, "Don't move!" and she put her hand over hear heart while the others followed and they stood at attention. It made me feel exceptionally good to hear her say that my kids must be being raised well! ;)

    It's one thing when they are good with Mom around-- another when they are good when I'm not looking!

  4. I called Dennis this morning. He's in Denver, and it is too hot! He verified and amplified on CD's comments on Fox's boorish conduct. "Even BBC and the Spanish National TV stood up and turned toward the American flag. The only news team in the whole place that ignored it was FOX. Time after time."

    He told me he couldn't see any American flag lapel pins on their shirts, blouses or coats either.

    Dennis got to stand near Bill Clinton, and spoke with Rahm Emanuel about Ethan Berkowitz.

  5. was listening to randi rhodes last night and she said someone from fox news challenged her assertion that listeners were calling in to complain about the networks' coverage -- specifically about keeping alive the fiction that disgruntled hillary supporters were preparing to disrupt the proceedings. [she was telling everyone to watch it on c-span if you can.]
    and she invited fox to plug into her board and listen to the callers themselves, which they proceeded to do. fascinating.

  6. The point isn't that FAUX didn't have their hands over their hearts, it's their attacks of Obama for not putting his hand over his heart during the pledge like it's the end of the damn world. Then the scumbags at FAUX "News" do the same thing yet have their backs to the flag. Those people at that station are the armpits of America. A hypocrite is too polite of a word for them. Dennis Zaki

  7. Wow aren't a little biased against Fox are you?

    And they didn't have flag lapel pins? That's terrible.

    Actually I agree that people should show respect and stand for the anthem. But I wonder how many other people you scream about for not respecting our flag.

    How do you stand on flag burning for example?

  8. I've burnt a lot of flags. When I've done it, it was called "retiring the flag," and was a sanctioned activity, supervised, usually as part of the activities of a Boy Scout Troop or similar organization I was involved in.

    Anonymice who come here and blanketly typify people from the American progressive left as being selective in their patriotism or criticism of a lack of patriotism from the leftist point of view, are generally full of crap.

  9. Dennis clearly explained it. It wasn't the act itself, but the hypocrisy of criticizing Obama for not wearing a flag pin when they themselves don't even stand or face the flag.

    Sometimes a commenter comments at the same time as the previous commenter so they don't realize what the previous comment said before they post. But that wasn't the case with Anon (Wow, Dennis..) because there was 90 minutes between the two comments.

    Anon, do you really not get it? Did you read it too quickly? Or were you so distracted by his use of 'scumbag' that you didn't read the actual message?

  10. So, what about the Palin pick?

  11. I don't think anyone that watches Faux News can possibly, and credibly, be giving anyone a hardtime about being bias.

    Fox News is THE front for the Republican media. The Republican voters disgust me because they themselves are racist and bias. So Fox News is for them.

    You could get better media coverage from the funny pages than you could that heap of garbage.
