Tuesday, July 29, 2008

He's Been Framed!

Just kidding......

Damn! We can't sit on our oars, Democrats and progressive independents. We need to keep attacking the morals, ethics, ineptitude and criminality of the Corrupt Bastards who run the GOP.

we need to fight hard to elect Democrats with NO TIES WHATSOEVER to lobbyists and PACs whose membership roles represent the paradigm that Ted Stevens has been such a vital part of.

CNN is showing the FBI/DOJ press conference.

The Alaska Report is reporting that Senate rules require that Ted Stevens resign. Who will Sarah appoint? Sean Parnell? Todd Palin? .....?

Shannyn Moore tells me she called the Senate Rules Committee office. Although the office is unaware of a Senate rule that would mandate Stevens' resignation, they're "dusting off" some rule books that haven't been cracked open in a while. At this time, they feel the rule is a Republican Party rule. And as we all know here, the GOP always follows their own rules.

Update - noon: Phone ringing off the hook. Here's one great scenario that has some Democrats unnecessarily worried:

1) Ted wins primary
2) Sean wins primary
3) Ted steps down
4) GOP puts Palin on the U.S. Senate ticket in Ted's place
5) Combination of Sarah and Sean on national-level ticket draws fungelicals and GOP nutcases out to vote GOP in November, leading to Alaska GOP landslide
6) Talis Colberg becomes Alaska Governor
7) Bush pardons Ted

problem is, though, the Sean Parnell campaign is about 72 hours from imploding. More on that soon.........

image for Progressive Alaska by Darkblack © 2007


  1. Not resign from the Senate, just his leadership positions.

  2. Ishmael is right.

    But I wonder if the Republicans will pressure Ted to step down "for the sake of his family" and get an untarnished Republican (do they still make those?) in there to battle Begich.

    But I can tell you that Ted will not "go gentle into that good night". No not our Uncle Ted Stevens.

  3. AS 15.40.140 and .145. I guess we're too close to the primary to have a special election? Who would Sarah appoint to fill in until November?

  4. What's this about Sean? My husband used to attach his sisters' Barbie Dolls to bottle rockets. This will be fun to watch.

  5. Now Begich can just walk on over to his seat. And to think I thought that would be the harder one to win.

  6. Sarah can't appoint anybody.

    The voters took care of that possibility after Frank the Bank stuck his dim daughter up our ass.

  7. Can W. pardon Ted before a trial and conviction? Is a trial going to be that speedy, before the beginning of next year?

  8. Phil,

    I believe it to be Senate rules, but Ted said he's doing it "voluntarily and temporarily."

    About Sean ... I don't know what Phil has got going, but I'm thinking... something to do with EVOS.

  9. ish,

    that's one of three fields being investigated

  10. I'm not that worried about a GOP landslide in Alaska. Parnell's radio add is dull and lacks vision, Sarah's sheen is starting to diminish and conservatives are not going to rush out and vote for a johnny come lately from Florida.

    Most of all, Ted's indictment can only hurt the AK GOP.
