Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First Major Article in the National Media on One of Our Democratic Party AK-AL U.S. House Candidates!

Progressive Alaska has written extensively about the two Democratic Party candidates in the upcoming U.S. House Democratic Party Primary. Neither Diane Benson nor Ethan Berkowitz has been covered in depth yet by the national media.

I'm surprised. It is an exciting race, pitting the old guard against somebody who wants to and has the ability to help rebuild our Democratic Party from the ground up on real 21st Century lines, untainted by VECO, Fox News, Bill O'Reilly's producer, corrupt mortgage bankers, and the top executives at the war profiteering Carlyle Group.

The Nation's chief editor, and frequent MSNBC, CNN, PBS and ABC commentator, Katrina vanden Heuvel, has just finished a long, in-depth interview and article on Diane Benson. Let's hope it attracts more attention to her, this race, and on a new direction in our political future.

image by Bill Hess


  1. I am so proud of Diane Benson. I hope that the rest of Alaska is paying attention. If Ethan is elected it will be two more years of Typical Corrupt Alaskan Politics.

  2. This is an excellent interview by one of my favorites. Diane is so clearly the superior candidate in this race, and it's good to see the word getting out.

  3. @photosbyjennimo Wow, are you really trying to link Ethan to political corruption? That takes some serious balls, or stupidity. Say what you will about his less than progressive platform & ideas (as Phil has pointed out many times) but are you really going to toss out "Berkowitz" and "Corrupt Alaskan Politics" in the same sentence? Thank goodness you've left our state, because I shudder to think what it would be like with idiots like you running around. Stay in Tennessee.

  4. anon @ #3 -- Apparently, you know very little about how corruption in politics starts.

    Every politician who has taken money from highly dubious sources has stated "but I won't let that influence any decision I will make!"

    Every single one. Every time.

    What makes Mr. Berkowitz any different from any other Democrat or Republican that has taken money from highly anti- democracy sources?

  5. @Phil That's a pretty bold statement to make about "every politician who has taken money from highly dubious sources." If that were true, wouldn't that make people like Rep. John Yarmuth, Rep. Peter Welch, Rep. Timothy Walz, and Rep. Mark Udall so corrupt? They've all received money from Emmanuel's PAC.

    Sorry for the repeat comment, but it fit the response needed to each of yours. Your unwavering support / obsession with Diane Benson is really making you write some unbelievably stupid comments.
