Tuesday, July 1, 2008

David Shurtleff's Great Exit Story

Alaska Public Radio Network reporter David Shurtleff starts today as Ethan Berkowitz's Press Secretary, a job that will last at least through the fourth week of August.

Good Luck, David!

He did a great story for APRN yesterday about the womens's orchestra at Hiland Mountain Correctional Center.

One of the main requirements for membership (of the orchestra, that is), is that your sentence there be long enough to learn to play your instrument. The prison's web page touts the ensemble as "the only organized women's orchestra in the free world." I'm sure some of the members might dispute use of the term "free" to describe their current world.

There have been many arts programs at HMCC over the years, including this one. My friend Anne Chandonnet worked with inmates on poetry there in the early 1990s, and Diane Benson, David's new employer's main opponent in politics right now, taught drama there at the end of the 20th Century.

Special thanks should go to Pati Crofut and Janice Weiss for the excellent work they've done with this group.

image of David Shurtleff by Steve Aufrecht


  1. it was a great piece by a great reporter.

  2. I second that Ishmael. He will be missed. RIP Shurtleff

  3. I liked how hot he thought the inmates were. I wonder if they all asked for his phone number.....

  4. i've given a small annual donation to the hiland orchestra since its inception and attended a couple concerts. really like the idea that training in classical string orchestra can be a part of rehab for convicts. nice idea.

  5. clark,

    I just heard about the HMCC Philharmonic last spring. Listening to it on David's story, I think it has real promise.

    Amy Rabeau, the Asst. Superintendent at HMCC, is a colleague from the days - long ago -when I ran the Cordova Center. I'm going to find out when they perform next, and try to be there.

  6. The Hiland Mountain Correctional Center Women's String Orchestra will have their next public concert the 1st Saturday in December. And I agree, it does have real promise. There is some real talent in this group.

  7. While I am no longer working at Hiland as Education Coordinator, I am so pleased to see the orchestra continue. While under the last two administrations, so many programs were cut--and education staff has been told to stop doing many of the programs they had been doing at little or no cost--thanks to staff at Hiland (Dean Marshall, superintendent and Amy Rabeau, Assistant Superintende, just to name two--and, of course to Pati's dedication, the music continues to be played. Everyone should attend a concert there. You will be moved. So look for ticket sales for December's event this year. Janice Weiss

  8. I am pictured in the photo, I was one of the imate's whom played that year and I must say I never thought I would learn to play the violin and I did in the beginners course. I wanted to thank all the people who made that possible!! R.C
