Friday, June 13, 2008

Explaining Lyda's Demise?

If you've been dealing with Alaska State Senator Lyda Green as long as I have, you'll probably feel, as I do, that her explanation yesterday evening of her withdrawal from the August 26 GOP primary lacks resonance:

During this special session, it has become clear to me that a large majority of my fellow legislators intend to support Governor Palin on her AGIA plan for TransCanada. I am completely opposed to that policy.

Since returning to the Valley, it has also become clear to me that a very large majority of my constituents also support and believe in Governor Palin's oil and gas policies.

But I sincerely believe that Governor Palin is wrong. I am convinced that her oil and gas policy will lead to terrible consequences for Alaska. I must make a choice.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe her for a minute. Nor do I believe that she has gotten some polling information showing her to be far behind her GOP Primary opponent, Linda Menard.

My hunch is that the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice are continuing in their efforts to bring people associated with the pleas of Bill Allen, Rick Smith and Jim Clark into the next phase of their lives, and that Lyda and her attorneys have been having some talks with people who work for the Federal Government.

I had felt, before Sen. Green's announcement, that there would be no indictments of people running for state or Federal office in this cycle, after the first Tuesday in June had passed. I may have been wrong about that.

The Senate District G race now is between Republican Linda Menard, a longtime Mat-Su Valley education activist, and a person closely associated with the political rise of Gov. Sarah Palin; and Democrat Erick Cordero Giorgana, a community activist in both the Valley and in Anchorage, where he works. I'll be volunteering for Erick,

More importantly, this announcement, if my hunch proves to be correct, indicates we may be entering a new phase in the GOP-Veco Corruption scandals, this time even closer to a statewide - and national set of elections.

Hold on to your hats, Alaskans!

image of Erick Cordero Giorgana by Celtic Diva


  1. Lyda's office wasn't searched. You know that.

    What's wrong with disembarking before the train wrecks?

    Smart move, IMO.

  2. ITA with anonymous. It was time for Lyda to step aside. I'm not happy that she is leaving, and I won't be supporting Linda Menard.

    I'd be really disappointed of the feds are trying to railroad our state during a major election. They should have done this six+ months ago so the Republicans could get some better candidates.

  3. I think this is wishful thinking by you, Phil. But it's your blog. We'll know soon enough.

  4. Actually, Phil has is more likely be indicted before Lyda..
    Watch those open containers Phil..
    DT's cause spills!

  5. Sorry Phil, your wrong on this one.

    She is leaving because she can read the handwriting on the wall. The valley is now more socialist, er progressive, than she is. It's time to step aside.

    Smart move on her part

  6. from the sounds of the above comments, the Lyda crowd is out in full force...

    Look, Lyda could of fought for her constituents, ya know those from the district she lives in... but no.

    I smell something else going on with Lyda not wanting to go thru another race. Maybe it is her ability to represent her district. It was kinda weak. If you were not her friend, well she didn't talk to you. If you stood by a Palin sign, well she didn't give you the time of day.

    The chick was just to stuck in the old guard cronies and couldn't work it out.

    It must of just killed her to go along with democrats to get the Senate Speaker.

  7. Does Erick have a serious shot at winning now that Lyda's out?

  8. Does Erick stand a chance? No

  9. Does Erick stand a chance? Yes!

  10. They can say what they want about Lyda just deciding to quit, but there is something else going. She stuck up for Ben Stevens and their is a reason for that. And I agree that she was not accessable at all. Linda Menard will be a breath of fresh air for the Valley I'm sure.

  11. Apparently the local NEA affiliate completely ignored Erick and endorsed Linda Menard. The deadline for all candidates to return completed surveys to NEA hasn't even passed.

    How neutral of them.

  12. Unfortunately for Erick, it was a bad time for him to be in Germany. I absolutely think he stands a chance and will do what I can to help.

    And what is it with all of these "Anonymous" comments?

  13. Why did she stick up for Ben?

  14. New to the Valley, trying to get up to speed on local politics.

    What I noticed is that Lyda has recently posted many new full sized professionally done signs around the valley.

    To me it looks like something sugnificant happened in her campaign for her to decide to drop out after that money had been invested.

    I hope a connection to the VECO scandal turns up. Valley republicans need to wake out of their slumber and see that this current band of republicans don't represent theirs or the states interests.
